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,Chapter: Khan Academy Name: An introduction to the Protestant Reformation
= The Protestant
Questions/ Main ideas/ Vocabulary: Notes/ Answers/ Definitions/ Examples:
What are the Papal The Church and the State
States? Church was very powerful (politically and spiritually), ruled over
What was the Holy Roman territory in Italy (Papal States). Holy Roman Empire. Increase in
Empire made up of? power was necessary. Powerful areas wanted to weaken the power
Mostly German-speaking of the papacy and increase their own power. The church had its
regions ruled by princes, own internal power struggles, e.g. Western Schism. Clerical and
dukes and electors. papal corruption, nepotism, territorial power etc. Simony = the
What is the Western selling of Church offices. Attempts to reform the Church = Wycliffe
Schism? and Hus.
What is Simony? Martin Luther
Who are Wycliffe and German monk and professor of theology at Wittenberg. 1517 = 95
Hus? Theses; Luther’s concerns about the CC, e.g. indulgences. On the
How was the papacy and door of the Castle Church. Deep concerns with Church doctrine.
clergy corrupt at the time? Indulgences
A donation or other charitable work with a piece of paper. Your soul
What was Luther’s early
would enter heaven more quickly, reducing time in purgatory. Pope
life like?
Leo X wanted to raise money to rebuild St. Peter's Basilica in
What did he talk about in
Rome. Johann Tetzel. Getting into heaven was a financial
the 95 Theses?
Explain indulgences.
Faith alone
What was Luther’s spiritual
Luther’s spiritual crisis. No matter how ‘good’ he tried to be, he still
crisis, and how is this
had sinful thoughts. Good works. Salvation and entering heaven.
linked to: salvation and
God’s grace is something freely given to human beings, not
good works?
something we can earn.
What is solo scriptura?
Scripture alone
What was the impact of the
Bible is the only reliable source - Sola Scriptura. Printing press.
printing press?
Translation. Led to more direct relationship with God, e.g. devotio
Explain the Diet of Worms. The Counter-reformation
What other attempts were Diet of Worms = asked to recant his views. Excommunicated.
there by the CC or the The Council of Trent
HRE to silence Luther, e.g. 1545 - to deal with issues raised by Luther. Reaffirmed ‘good
Leipzig Disputation? works’, indulgences, seven sacraments, religious art etc. Correct
When did Luther translate use of art, so no idolatry.
the Bible? Violence
Why was the laity Catholics vs. protestants. Importance of the arts and patronage.
understanding the Bible so Other developments
important? Scientific revolution. Exploration, colonisation and Christianisation
Explain the Peasants’ War of the ‘new world’.
of 1524-25. - An effort to protest some practices of the Catholic Church
Explain the Council of and to reform the Church
- Holy Roman Empire and the Catholic Church have lots of power. The papacy and clergy
are corrupt. Many attempts at reform.
- Martin Luther, Wittenberg, 95 Theses, indulgences, good works (merit theology), salvation,
problems with the Catholic Church, sola scriptura and importance of the Bible, e.g.
- Counter-reformation as attempts by the Catholic Church or HRE to silence Luther, e.g. the
Diet of Worms 1521.
- Violence during this time such as the Peasants’ War
, Chapter: Khan Academy = Video: Introduction to the Protestant Reformation: Setting the stage
The Protestant
Explain the history of the What was it like to live before the Reformation?
Church. There was the emergence of many types of Christianity after the
What was the Catholic reformation.
Church like before the The first type of Christianity was Roman Catholicism. Catholic =
Reformation? universal, so it was a universal church.
What is salvation? Roman catholic as head of the church is the pope, and he lived in
What is Judgement Day? Rome.
What was the role of the Salvation is very important, and the church is supposed to help you
Catholic Church? with achieving salvation so that you go to heaven and not hell.
How did the Catholic Church Salvation was people’s biggest concern.
impact people’s everyday Path to salvation:
lives? Through the teachings of the church, through the sacraments.
How do the sacraments give Church was an important thing, e.g. feast days and bell tolling every
salvation? hour. The church marked major events in your life.
What are the sacraments? Sacraments would help you earn God’s grace, secure yourself a place
What is God’s grace and how in heaven. The Sacraments: Baptism, confirmation communion
do you earn it? (Eucharist), penance (confession), marriage, anointing of the sick (last
Who was the pope in 1517? rites), ordination.
What did Pope Leo X want to Sacraments were very important to the laity. The papacy was the
rebuild? ultimate authority on earth.
How did Pope Leo X get the In 1517 the pope at the time was Pope Leo X.
money to rebuild the Church? He was intent on rebuilding Saint Peter's basilica = shows the authority
What is apostolic of the pope and Saint Peter is buried under the church (Apostolic
succession? succession).
Explain indulgences. Rebuilding it was expensive, so they accumulated money through the
Who sold indulgences near sale of indulgences.
Luther? They were a piece of paper that made it possible for you to get to
Why was Luther against heaven more quickly. Purgatory is between Hell and Heaven.
indulgences? Old tradition - good works, speed process of afterlife, doing a good work
as you’re helping build the church (for god), it’s a holy act but was later
seen as a money exchange.
Johann Tetzel aided the selling in Saxony.
Luther was against this, plus he was having his own spiritual crisis over
Explain the 95 Theses. Series of arguments for academic discussion.
What is the importance of the Posted on the Castle Church door. They were in Latin.
printing press? 95 theses - primarily with selling of indulgences.
Sent then to the local archbishop. Made their way to Rome.
Importance of the printing press as a means of transmission of the 95
Protestant - protest
Reformation - reform
- First form of chritsianity was Roman Catholicisim.
- Church’s role was to help people get to heaven through salvation and good works (merit
- The church was very important in people’s lives and had a lot of power.
- Sacraments as a way of earning God’s grace.
- Pope Leo X, rebuilding St Peter’s Basilica, using indulgences to get money
- Indulgences helped speed up the process of getting to heaven, a piece of paper
- ‘Good works’ rather than a financial transaction to earn salvation.
- Johann Teztel sold indulgences in saxony.
- Luther was against indulgences.
- 95 Theses, castle door, printing press etc.