The Nazis understood that
civilian morale had
A principle aim of Nazi
collapsed in the later Rationing
policy from the start of Foods that
stages of WW1 because covered
the war was to sustain had to be
of severe food shortages - bread,
civilian morale and imported by The
they were determined to meat,
eliminate any sea from allocation
prevent this happening a butter,
weaknesses in the outside of food Although
second time cheese,
public mood Europe such rations shortages of
eggs etc as bananas, was based coal, shoes,
Germany went coffee and on age, soap did cause
The mood of Wanted choc were in occupation
from victory in discontent at
The public mood was the German to short supply & race
1940 to ruin by times
volatile in the first 21 people when start
There were many fears 1945, and the
months as war broke out Because rationing
that the war would g on for experiences of
propaganda was not was one of farmers early Food The regime was careful
years. Letters from soldiers the German
always effective but at acceptance, were so rationing not to alienate the civilian After
undermined the people
the same time, people but there was going to that it was population by making Soviet U
propaganda. The hopes of between these
were happy with the no great fight - would introduced in them reduce food imports
a quick victory were years went
early, easy victories enthusiasm for less never August consumption significantly, were s
dissipated through distinct
war. food become 1939, even and in the first 2 years of 1942,
phases which
going too before the the war, there were
linked closely
Some like Very low public mood as a round intense war began adequate food supplies
Helmut Von result of the numerous WAR development of
Moltke felt the casualties - defeat in Stalingrad BLITZKRIEG the war
dismal etc. For the first time, defeat The
treatment of was becoming more real TURNING OF THE
impact of There were further reductions
others while TIDE Why was rationing rationing later in the war & food supplies
they were still Overview important became increasingly precarious
When it was clear that defeat MORALE
leading good by the autumn of 1944
was inevitable, public mood Clothing was rationed
lives to be TOTAL
became dire & virtually all from Nov 1939
uncomfortable WAR Diverse range of The changing
support had been lost impact of the Meat was cut from 500g per
views towards
the regime war on German The impact of war on person per week to 400g
Many old conservatives shared the Nazis' authoritarian society German society
leanings but, especially after 1943, some were By 1939, Goebbels had created a Sp
concerned that H was leading the country to disaster ELITES sophisticated propaganda system that b
When examining how the controlled the flow of information and enabled m
Had experienced longer hours since the start public viewed the war, many Britain = the regime to spread its own version of events m
Widespread discontent
of the war, but the ' Total War' measures YOUTH inconsistencies are seen at night e
amongst the labour
introduced in 1942 further increased the a
force due to wage Must be recognised The impact of
reductions & ban on hours of work & the pressure on wages USA =
People were that whilst morale propaganda
overtime payments in day
rejoicing during the declines, it was and
Became appeasement never that high to The war can b
Eg Often indoctrination phases, during w
increasingly period yet the begin with
resistance in There was some evidence WORKERS 6.4 million around on morale the ups an
married women subjected to relative painless 24hr
the form of of worker resistance to military 1000
in employment successes of bombings Sep 1939 -
increased these measures, but the training & aircraft at
Bore the by 1939 1939-40 won most by the Jun 1941 Blitzkrieg
absenteeism regime had a range of conscription a time June - Dec
brunt of the Germans also over Allies
(staying off measures at its disposal to into the army 1941
enforce discipline in the hardships
work) The invasion of
endured on WOMEN It was Propoganda
workplace Poland achieved The
the home From March against In April 1941, and morale
front 1942, Allied victory within weeks German spreadin
German war
The age at which troops started cities, forces
men could be area bombings industrial In the spring of invaded
Faced the hardships of workers as well Yugoslavia Between Jan 1940 - Jun
conscripted was areas & 1940, German
because they become the workers on top of and Greece & 1941, Hitler made 9 major
reduced to 19 in ports forces invaded
their roles as mothers/housewives The impact pushed speeches, all of which were
1940 to 17 in 1943 Norway,
of bombing Denmark, towards North broadcast on the radio
(Total war) As raids intensified in
on morale Holland & Africa
Understood that if they 1944-45, civilian morale
surrendered, might have France. All were
was further damaged, Hitler Propogan
another ToV defeated quickly
Fear of Did not want but but people continued to Quick & easy was and mora
communism - also COULD not work and open criticism victories, shown in presented
USSR have this same of the regime was rare Some targeted edited newsreels, as a