Electoral Processes & Direct Democracy - Revision
Explain and analyze 3 reasons why voters don’t turn out. (9)
P – political actions external to established channels of political access.
Ex – key issue, acting through marches, boycotts, political violence, or terror.
Ev – demonstrations on the issue of Vietnam 1967, BLM protests post Floyd’s death, anti-abortion
An – extend to a fierce anti-government, survivalist militias which led to Oklahoma City Bombings.
P – pressure group membership.
Ex – membership high, many have multiple memberships, form of participation is on the increase.
Ev – AARP, US’s biggest PG, estimated 38 mill members, campaigns on issues surrounding old age.
An – poor not involved, US chamber of commerce, represent wealthy group supporting businesses.
P – voter registration is low.
Ex – effort to get registered and vote, gov laws have not made it easier, especially for minorities.
Ev – Texans forced to provide identities under new voter ID law, excludes 600,000 Texans from
voting, strictest laws of its kind.
An – attempts to make it easy, Motor Vote Act 1993, doesn’t explain for those register & do not
Explain and analyze 3 reasons why voters split their ticket. (9)
P – electorate less swayed by party labels.
Ex – new age of politics, which is swayed by candidate centered voting, less influence by party.
Ev – 2022 midterms, DeSantis as Florida gov but Rubio for senate loses, occurs even in own factions.
An – declining, 2016, every US senate race went to winner of state presidential vote, still on the rise,
highest in 1972.
P – (R) better presidents, (D) better congressmen.
Ex – (R) stronger on foreign policy, (D) seen as stronger on domestic policy.
Ev – McCain-Democrats, party ideology converges; 32/36 incumbents considered most conservative.
An – straight ticket voting is on the rise, due to rise in computer booths, but center still collapsing.
P – seek divided government.
Ex – limited government, cannot do silly things on a whip, better scrutiny of bills.
Ev – only 2x in past 50yrs has congress overridden presidential veto.
An – divided gov gridlock, 2017 fed shutdown, but Johnson able to get (D) congress to pass Vietnam
, Electoral Processes & Direct Democracy - Revision
Explain and analyze 3 ways primaries have changed the election process. (9)
P – choice of candidates.
Ex – enables ‘outsider’ candidates or little political experience to emerge as winning candidates.
Ev – 2016, 17 (R) to choose from, ‘comeback kid’ Nixon following the 1988 invisible primary.
An – convoluted process, 15 months up to 2 years, elect from the ‘president to the dogcatcher’,
made easy with rise of computer booths.
P – power of party bosses is done away with.
Ex – preferable to the ‘smoke–filled’ rooms where party bosses traditionally made these choices.
Ev –undemocratic, non-participatory and corrupt until reformed post-1968 at the instigation of (D).
An – superdelegates, New Hampshire primary, Sanders had 15 delegates to Clinton’s 8, 6 closed the
gap, but Sander’s ability.
P – increased participation.
Ex – allows ordinary voters to choose their party’s candidate, opportunity for the to flock to polls.
Ev – TO of evangelical voters in Iowa propels social conservatives, general increase, rising to 30% in
An – significance of Iowa as a primary declining 2020, TO depends on many factors, like type.
Explain and analyze 3 different voting behavior groups. (9)
P – Gender.
Ex – men/women vote in diff. ways, policy difference, since 1990s, women vote (D) and men vote (R)
Ev – 2000. Bush gained 53% of male votes but only 43% of female votes, Gore opposite, (D) & ERA.
Romney & ‘binders full of women.’
An – (D) not perfect, within party female candidates struggle, Clinton & sexist Sanders’ supporters.
P – Race.
Ex – AA 13% of vote in 2012 and increasing, Hispanics 16% in 2011, ‘sleeping giant’, AA (D), always
83% support since post-60s. Hispanics fluctuate, initially (D), increasingly vote (R)
Ev – (D) CRM, (R) Bush w/ diverse cabinet. Hispanics morally cons. like Trump, high vote share.
An – at the same time, (R) & confederacy flags. Immigration & low socio-economic helps (D)
P – Age.
Ex – young (D), old (R) young socially liberal, e.g., pro-abortion, older like healthcare & retirement.
Ev – 2008. Obama due to high TO of 18-29 y/o, occurs in 2012, lower turnout, still wins though.
An – patterns fluctuate, e.g., 2020 remains true for young voters & (D) but less for old & (R).