Jodel Ofori-Boafo 23270
12/05/2021 – Completion Date
Unit 6: Investigative Project - Aim C & D
Aim Distinction 3: Evaluate the conclusions of the investigative project and its practical aspects, discussing limitations,
improvements, and recommendations for further study.
Aim Distinction 4: Evaluate the skills developed in the investigative project undertaken and suggest areas for
Aim Merit 4: Justify the choice of experimental and data analysis techniques used as a means of increasing accuracy,
reliability, and validity.
Aim Merit 5: Produce a report using findings, correct scientific terminology, protocol, and formatting and drawing valid
Aim Merit 6: Discuss the importance of skills developed in the investigative project undertaken to achieve aims.
Aim Pass 4: Demonstrate practical skills to assemble relevant apparatus/equipment and materials and carry out the
project using safe working practices.
Aim Pass 5: Accurately collect, analyse, and present the results obtained.
Aim Pass 6: Produce a report using findings, scientific terminology, and protocol appropriately and drawing
Aim Pass 7: Summarise skills developed in the investigative project undertaken.
Summarisation of skills developed:
During this assignment, the skills I have developed are:
Comprehending how and where to research and reference accurate information online and apply it to my project
proposal in order to effectively schedule and perform the process of growing a plant under LED lights while
evaluating the results.
Using scientific findings to help formulate a theory for my idea.
All readings were being recorded in a suitable table such that a straightforward interpretation is possible.
Conduct an adequate risk assessment to identify the health and safety concerns.
Choosing and assembling the required instruments for the experiment.
Understanding how to calibrate, disinfect, test, and operate all devices.
Areas for Improvement:
One drawback of the ability I learned to use tools such as the Internet and books to efficiently understand science
concepts was that certain Internet sites were not factual or credible, so I had to ensure that any website from which I
derived information was legitimate and official. An example being which is the royal society of biology.
Time management skills can be improved greatly as the practical went over the given amount of time and had to be
finished later in a different laboratory. This is a limitation as this gives way for anomalies and other variables to change
the results such as a different time of day, a different setting, etc. In order to improve this skill, I will do practice
practical's and give myself a specific period to complete my task. If I go over this time, I will look at why this occurred
and how I could have shortened the amount of time. Furthermore, I will plan how long I would like to give myself for
specific tasks in my working plan so I can see a clear view on how long the whole investigation will take to give myself
the right amount of time.
Importance of skills developed:
During this investigation, I learned important scientific and personal skills, all of which were useful in achieving my
research objectives.
Through learning how to use knowledge such as the internet and books to properly interpret scientific terms such as
photosynthesis and how to correctly reference them. I was able to effectively prepare an appropriate hypothesis for
my experiment and implement a secure method for analysing the impacts of Led bulbs on progress. I used web
resources including such and even some related trials performed on YouTube to get a better
understanding of these techniques / processes, such as how to plant lettuce safely and successfully to get the best
results and how to correctly use experimental methods. Utilizing these tools successfully to better understand these
scientific procedures / strategies assisted me in achieving my goals of developing under an LED light with great
experience and understanding.
Furthermore. the skill of planning an investigation individually was improved. While planning the investigation, the
aspects needed to plan included the aim, hypothesis using background research to support it, equipment, and
method. This is an essential skill to learn if going into the scientific field because it shows that you can produce an
investigation with an aim to research a chosen subject independently which is essentially what a scientist's job entails.
, Jodel Ofori-Boafo 23270
12/05/2021 – Completion Date
Unit 6: Investigative Project - Aim C & D
Additionally, skill of producing an effective risk assessment was developed further. This is an important skill as
producing a risk assessment before investigating is required by law, stated in the Health and safety act 1974. This is
because they allow you to create awareness of hazards and risks and identify who may be a risk. It allowed me to be
more hazard aware and think of ways to prevent these risks and allowed the practical to be carried out effectively and
safely. Risks must be low risk for the investigation to proceed which is important as this means that the practical is
relatively safe for the individuals involved.
Furthermore, the skills of creating a contingency plan were developed. These skills included identifying hazards and
prevention methods and preparing for any situation whilst considering others, this allowed the project aim to be met.
Every possible situation that could occur during the practical had to be thought about and catered to in order to make
the practical as safe as possible. This is an essential skill when identifying the health and safety of future
investigations. Evaluating skills and analysing have been improved due to having to analyse the effectiveness of the
working plan to see what would be changed next time and pinpoint improvements or effective point within the working
plan. The skill to self-criticise your own work is very important as it allows you to keep improving and seeing
improvements after each working plan. In the future, if working in the field of science, self-criticism is very important to
create improvements in investigations and alternative and better methods.
I learned excellent organisational skills through all my experiments, because before each experiment, I would set out
all the necessary apparatuses, understand the method and logical reason for each experiment. Such organisational
abilities allowed each experiment to be carried out even more quickly and effectively because I understood where all
the equipment was, what the procedure laid out was, how to properly perform the experiment, and what outcomes and
findings I could expect.
While developing the ability to carry out an accurate risk assessment before carrying out each experiment, I was able
to identify all the possible hazards involved with the devices used in each experiment and in the workplace, explain
what damage it could cause to people and what safety measures are required to mitigate the danger and the
emergency measures. This risk assessment method ensured that all appropriate safety procedures were followed
while working in the laboratory and the correct behaviour was done to ensure that I could safely finish my project
without being at high risk of injury. This ability has allowed me to learn and define the safety procedures for a possible
threat for every hypothetical scenario there might be.
Investigative Report:
Risk Assessment:
When carrying out this project, I always made sure to stick to health and safety issues, consistently and properly
following the risk assessment given below:
Scenario Response Plan of action
Access & Layout: A student Stop the experiment at the Take the whole practical to a free space
does not have enough room in end of the repeat that they or into another laboratory if there is
the lab to conduct their are on. more room. Before the experiment,
experiment and keeps bumping make sure that an extra room is
into their peers due to limited available in case this occurs.
Obstructions: A student is Move obstruction out of the Make sure that the pathway is clear
conducting their experiment way. before conducting the investigation. In
and tripped on a bag as it was case of trips, a first aid kit will be
obstructing their path. available.
Slips and trips: Distilled water A student must stand by the Get paper towels and clean up the
has been spilled onto the floor. spillage if on the floor and spillage, if it is still slippery place a sign
wait for another student or to let students and teachers know of it.
teacher to come with paper Paper towels should be available to use
towels to wipe this up. readily.
Sharp edges and points: A glass Clean the glassware up Inform a teacher of this and replace
beaker have fell on the floor immediately. this boiling tube with another unbroken