Explain how organizatonn une informaton (P1)
Type of formatonn
Qualitative data is data which is uniable to be measured ini the method quanititative iniformationi is.
Quanititative is rerresenited ini a niarrative form, as quanititative iniformationi cani onil be overserved with
descrirtionis. Ani examrle of askinig qualitative questionis could be askinig a customer at the wonider lanid
resort: “How frequenitl do ou hire a room at the arartmenit?” Possible aniswers from the customers
could iniclude: “Ofeni” or “Not ofeni”
Quanititative data is data which is able to be measured niumericall anid cani be rroveni as a fact. Ani
examrle of askinig quanititative questionis could be askinig customers at the wonider lanid resort: “Ini a
ear, how mani times do ou hire a room ini a ear at the arartmenit?” Possible aniswers from the
customers could iniclude “three times a ear.” Or “onice a ear.”
Primar data is data which ou or a businiess gathers anid maniirulates themselves. Some examrles of
collectinig rrimar data cani be takinig initerviews or surve s or other methods which gets data directl
from the source.
Seconidar data is data gainied from other source(s) anid maniirulated ini diferenit method to the iniitial
maniirulationi. Seconidar data cani be gathered from rast documenits, for examrle old niewsrarers,
aniother examrle of seconidar data would be data gainied from onilinie. Seconidar data is ani source
which is niot gainied b ourself or the businiess itself.
Purpone of informatonn
Orerationial surrort surrorts makinig decisionis oni time. A businiess is able to use orerationial surrort to
commanid duties. or examrle, ini the sceniario wheni a ‘conifrmationi leeer is rrerared anid senit to the
customers via fax, email or rost’ wheni a bookinig is made.
Anial sis is wheni the businiess will anial ze how the businiess is doinig, for examrles: inicreased/decreased
sales reveniue, total rroft, or costs. The businiess will theni comrare the data with rrevious data of the
businiess or it could also inivolve comrarinig statistics to comretitors, such as sales reveniue.
Decinion making
Iniformationi s stems cani resolve makinig vital decisionis b surrl inig data which is vital wheni havinig to
make decisionis such as costs. If issues have ariseni, theni maniagemenit will make a decisioni based oni the
data oni the iniformationi which is read to be used. or examrle, if the fresh food surrlies of meat, fruit
fsh anid vegetables withini the sceniario seems to be too exrenisive the businiess ma decide to bargaini
with other surrliers anid getnig rid of the currenit surrliers.
Gaining adiantage
Onie of the maini rurroses of iniformationi for a businiess is to gaini ani advanitage over comretitors. A
businiess will use data about comretitors, such as rrices, anid customer reviews to gaini ani advanitage.
or examrle, if a resort niearb is charginig less for a room, The Wonider Lanid Resort ma decide to
match the rrice of comretitors or eveni less to gaini ani advanitage. Aniother examrle of gainiinig
advanitage would be havinig beeer customer service thani comretitors.
Sourcen of informaton
HR/ Pernonnel recordn
The rersoniniel derartmenit is accounitable for iniformationi which inivolves humani resources. Ini the
Wonider Lanid Resort Roger has a database where details of staf re stored. Data of staf inicludes:
“Personial details, job, salar , niormal hours, availabilit , hours worked etc.”
Marketng / Publicity
The marketinig derartmenit is accounitable for rlaniniinig advertisemenits, services anid/or rroducts. or
examrle, Wonider Lanid Resort Roger’s the marketinig / rublicit derartmenit is required to advertise oni:
ini towni, counitr magazinie, anid niewsrarers, as well as free advertiser niewsrarer, anid enitries oni
externial websites, tourist board websites, magazinies, anid leafets which are distributed to local resorts.
Goodn, Equipment and Suppliern
This derartmenit will hanidle distributioni from a businiess’s rroducts anid/or services. This derartmenit
also deals iniformationi inivolvinig tranisrort of the rroducts anid/or services. Such as what da (s) anid
time(s) the deliver will arrive. rom the Wonider Lanid Resort: “oohni usuall niegotiates conitracts for
regular services anid surrlies. A dail service required is to collect, wash anid returni bed linieni, towels etc.
Which would be ani examrle of service The Wonider Lanid Resort requires from other businiesses. The
Wonider Lanid Resort also requires rroducts from surrliers: “ resh food must be delivered dail ...”
, Goiernment
Businiesses are required to follow the law, anid collect anid ra the correct taxes to the governimenit
(inicludinig cenitral anid local). Businiesses also have to calculate Nationial inisuranice, renisionis, turniover
anid VAT.
Majorit of conisultanits with a high kniowledge ini a rarticular inidustr kniow rrecisel where to look anid
reorle to conitact to fnid srecifc iniformationi. Businiesses are able to use externial research to get
iniformationi or advice to helr with decisioni makinig.
D1- Explain how an organinaton could improie the
quality of itn buninenn informaton
Improiing the quality of informatonn
The validit of iniformationi which used at the wonider lanid resort cani imrrove the qualit of iniformationi.
Wheni the iniformationi is obtainied, it could be comrared with diferenit sources of iniformationi to check if
the iniformationi is reliable or correct before it is used. or examrle, at the wonider lanid resort ini the
accounits anid checkinig derartmenit: “Cath is resronisible for keerinig records of all moniies the resort receives
anid all the ra menits it makes.” Cath ma wanit to conisider gainiinig all the costs from all the derartmenits to check
of the costs Cath has received are valid to the costs the derartmenits have showni, which would make the
iniformationi more valid as this would be a method for checkinig if some costs ma niot have beeni inicluded, or
missed out.
Type of data/informaton
The t re of data imracts the qualit of iniformationi. The wonider lanid resort nieeds to make choice of
right form of data for the rurrose it will be used for. The wonider lanid resort will nieed to choose if
quanititative or qualitative iniformationi. Theni the wonider lanid resort will nieed to decide to get this
iniformationi from a seconidar or rrimar source. Decidinig oni the t re of iniformationi is vital as it will
imrrove the qualit of iniformationi as the data will be more reliable anid valid, esreciall if usinig a
rrimar source. The mixture of rrimar data anid quanititative iniformationi outruts iniformationi which is
of higher qualit , because the data will be niumeric anid gathered b the businiess, so it will be valid anid
ft for rurrose. or examrle, ini the ooods, equirmenit anid surrliers derartmenit at the wonider lanid
resort: “A dail service required is to collect, wash anid returni bed linieni, towels, etc. A conitract has beeni
niegotiated with a local launidr which senids ani inivoice each monith for which Cath raises a cheque.”
The data rrovided oni the inivoice ma niot be full reliable or valid, as this data has come from aniother
businiess, makinig it seconidar data, the businiess could have maniirulated the data, ini which the
iniformationi made b the wonider lanid resort ma niot be full reliable or valid oni this inivoice.