Unit 14: Physiological disorders and their care
P2: Compare investigative and diagnostic procedures for different
physiological disorders.
Leukaemia Diabetes type 2
Blood tests - The blood will be sampled by Non fasting blood tests - The primary blood
the doctor to determine the complete blood test used to identify diabetes is a HbA1c
count. This counts the quantity of each test. The average blood sugar levels during
blood cell type, including platelets, white the previous two to three months are
blood cells, and red blood cells. tested. Users don't have to get ready for a
HbA1c test.
Bone marrow biopsy - Users might require Blood glucose test - This blood test reveals
a bone marrow biopsy, which typically whether the body is having issues
involves taking a sample of bone marrow processing the sugar you consume from
from the hip. The body creates blood cells food and beverages. Oral glucose tolerance
in the spongy tissue called bone marrow, testing, or OGTT for short, is another name
which is located inside some of the bones. for it. This examination is frequently used
Doctors take a sample and examine it to identify diabetes.
under a microscope.
Scans - service users might receive scans Glucose Tolerance Test - This checks your
like MRIs, CTs, PETs, ultrasounds, or x-rays. blood sugar levels before and after
Although they are all carried out in various consuming a glucose-containing beverage.
methods, they all result in detailed images Before the test, you will fast (not consume)
of the inside of the body. and have blood drawn to check your fasting
blood sugar level. After consuming the
liquid, your blood sugar level will be
checked an hour, two hours, and potentially
three hours later.
Immunophenotyping - Proteins on the Glucose screening test - This measures
surface of the cells can be examined by your blood sugar level at the moment of
doctors using blood or bone marrow testing. One hour after consuming a
samples. This is also known as flow glucose-containing liquid, blood will be
cytometry or immunophenotype analysis. It taken to measure your blood sugar levels.
can aid in detecting cancerous cells. The outcome should be 140 mg/dL or less.
Genetic tests - These tests check for gene
alterations in the cells that could be a sign
of leukaemia. Cytogenetics is another name
for this.
, Investigative procedures for leukaemia involve a series of tests and
examinations that aim to identify the presence of abnormal cells in the blood
and bone marrow. Initially, a complete blood count (CBC) is performed to
assess the levels of different blood cells. An abnormal CBC may indicate the
need for further investigation. A bone marrow biopsy is commonly conducted
to examine the bone marrow cells for signs of leukaemia. This involves
extracting a small sample of bone marrow from the hip bone or another large
bone. Additionally, imaging tests such as X-rays, CT scans, or MRIs may be used
to evaluate the extent of the disease and detect any abnormalities in the
organs or lymph nodes. (NationalCancerInstitute, 2016)
Diagnostic procedures for type 2 diabetes, on the other
hand, involve assessing the body's ability to regulate
blood glucose levels. The primary test used for diagnosis
is the fasting plasma glucose (FPG) test, which measures
blood sugar levels after an overnight fast. If the FPG
results are inconclusive, an oral glucose tolerance test
(OGTT) may be performed. This test involves measuring blood glucose levels
before and two hours after consuming a sugary drink. Another commonly used
diagnostic tool is the glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) test, which provides an
average of blood sugar levels over the past two to three months. Additionally, a
comprehensive medical history review, physical examination, and assessment
of symptoms are conducted to determine the presence of risk factors and
symptoms associated with type 2 diabetes. (DiaTribe,2022)
In summary, investigative procedures for leukaemia focus on identifying
abnormal cells in the blood and bone marrow, while diagnostic procedures for
type 2 diabetes aim to evaluate the body's ability to regulate blood glucose
levels. Both conditions require a combination of laboratory tests, imaging
studies, and medical evaluations to arrive at an accurate diagnosis.