Much Ado About Nothing Packet
Questions Study Guide 81 questions
and answers
Act 1, scene i: Where is the story set? - answer Messina, Italy
Act 1, scene i: Who returns from war? - answer Don Pedro of Aragon with is army of men
Act 1, scene i: Describe the military success. - answer A few of the soldiers had died, but there
were no large tragedies.
Act 1, scene i:Whom has Don Pedro honored? - answer Claudio (a young Florentine)
Act 1, scene i:What does Beatrice want to know? - answer She wants to know if Sr. Benedick has
returned from war.
Act 1, scene i: How does she pun or play on the messenger's words? - answer The pun is on the
word to.
* Beatrice makes fun of Benedick saying she would eat all of his killing; she has a strong feeling
he didn't have it in him to kill anyone.
Act 1, scene i: What is her attitude toward Benedick? - answer She makes fun of him; she insults
him and his manhood.
Act 1, scene i: How do Beatrice and Benedick respond to each other? - answer They are mean to
each other; she says he is ugly and he says any man is lucky to get away from her.
Act 1, scene i: Who has been reconciled to Don Pedro? - answer Don John (they had been
separated and now they are on good terms)
, Act 1, scene i: With whom is Claudio quite taken? - answer Hero
Act 1, scene i: What does Benedick say about Hero? And about her cousin [Beatrice]? - answer
He says nothing particularly interesting about Hero. he says Beatrice is a fury in personality, but
she is beautiful. He says Beatrice outshines Hero in beauty.
Act 1, scene i: What is Benedick's attitude toward marriage? - answer He does not think much of
it. He says he would like to live as a bachelor all his life.
Act 1, scene i:What does Don Pedro predict for Benedick? - answer He predicts that Benedick
will fall in love one day.
Act 1, scene i: Why does Benedick joke about wearing horns? - answer It is because when men
were married, there wives always cheated on them and they were a cuckhold then who wore
the horns of the bull. He assumes that if he marries he will be a cuckold, and he assumes all
women are unfaithful.
Act 1, scene i: How does Don Pedro propose to aid Claudio? - answer He will talk to Leonato and
convince Hero to talk to Claudio, dressed as Claudio. D.P. is going to impersonate Claudio and
tell Hero he loves her.
Act 1, scene ii: What does Antonio tell Leonato? - answer The person discovered that the Prince
Don Pedro is in love with Hero! (But in fact, Claudio really is!)
Act 1, scene ii: What will Leonato do? - answer He doesn't wish to question the overhearer and
he is pleased with this.
Act 1, scene iii: Describe Don John's personality. - answer He is not a people-pleaser. He will not
hide who he is to anyone. He is strong-willed, stubborn, and was born under gloom. He calls
himself a cynic.