1908-1939 → early period
1939-1979 → middle period
1979-2011 → last period
Zionism, Israel and the Palestinian Issue
Success/Failure of Zionism - incredibly successful
Statehood and Security of Israel - largely successful
- Increased immigration
450,000 Jews immigrated to Palestine in 1939
- Civil War 47-48
Britain withdrew from Palestine → Civil war occurred after UK withdrew from
Palestine. End of the war 700,000 Palestinians became refugees (lots ended up in
Gaza's west bank)
Zionist int: Israel won because they had better military. Rev int: Arabs were expelled
some thought they would be able to return.
- Creation of 1948
Jewish territory within Palestine became a state, Israel - securing its status as a
governing country.
- First Arab-Israeli War 48-49
Israel now controlled 79% of what had been the British mandate of Palestine rather
than the 55% allocated
- Law of Return 1950
Jews can now get Israeli citizenship = led to double in Israels population
- Conscription 1949
Israeli defence force allowed to enlist any citizen → made them successful in wars
like in 1967
- 1956 Suez Canal
Israeli forces faced humiliation when they were forced to withdraw from Egypt in
1956 because the US didn't want the major Arab power to be destabilised
- Six-day war 1967
air forces of Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Iraq were all destroyed on June 5th.
Israeli military success as they captured Golan Heights and Sinai which provided
useful buffer zone. BUT they relied on US aid which cost millions of dollars and their
troops needed to be removed from the Sinai in 1979 due to Treaty of Washington
,1908-1939 → early period
1939-1979 → middle period
1979-2011 → last period
- Lebanon 1982
Zionist military success was undercut by Israel's handling of Lebanon because no US
support for the “Operation Peace of Galilee”, thus in 1982 Israel had to withdraw from
Lebanon = Victory for PLO
- 1987 Settlements in Gaza + West Bank
Reason for Second Intifada = 80,000 Jews lived in settlements around Jerusalem +
20,000 around the West Bank + Gaza BUT Presdient Sharon evicted some Jews from
the Gaza Strip as safety was a concern
- 2000 Israeli security barrier
8-meter high-security barrier to prevent Palestinian suicide bombers
- 2005 Sharons dealing with Gaza
PM handed Gaza to Palestinians as it enabled Israel to tighten its grip on the West
- Lebanon 2006
Israel forced to withdraw after invading the South. Hezbollah regarded this as a
Dealing with the Palestinians - not successful
- 1921 Arab-Jewish riots
Violence erupted in Jaffa near main port for Jewish immigrants to arrive. After 2 days
of rioting, 200 Jews + 120 Arabs dead
- 1936-39 Arab rebellion
Caused by increase Jewish population leading Palestinians to become landless and
impoverished. Thousands of lives lost on both sides
- 1947-48 Civil War
300,000 palestinans left. The way Jewish forces massacred Palestinians in battles
like Deir Yassan made them leave out of fear.
- 1948-49 Arab-Israeli war
End of the war 700,000 Palestinians became refugees, having fled or being driver
from their homes
- 1964 PLO
PLO set up to unite Palestinians and to win back land lost from 1948-49. Received
support from Arab states Syria + Egypt.
Branch of the PLO Fatah carried out raids into Israel.
- 1972 Black September
Olympics, Palestinian militant group killed 2 Israeli athletes and took 9 hostage
- First Intifada 1987-93
Palestinians portrayed as victims - american sympathy grew for them proved by
USA’s recognition of the PLO in 1988
, 1908-1939 → early period
1939-1979 → middle period
1979-2011 → last period
Magnitude of this event led to Oslo Accords 1993 meant Israel had to recognise PLO.
Gave rise to HAMAS which won the Palestinian election in 2006 + they refused to
acknowledge/accept concept of Zionism
- 1974 Arafat in the UN
Arafat leader of PLO invited to speak at PLO which up to this point had been seen as
a terrorist organisation by the world, speech raised sympathy for Palestinians.
- 1993 Oslo accords
Arafat called an end to the intifada - Got Rabin to remove Israeli troops from Gaza +
West Bank. Elections to be held for a Palestinian authority in the West Bank
- Camp David 2000
2 issues to be resolved: who controlled holy sight of Jerusalem + the right of
Palestinian refugees to return to Israel. This culminated in the second intifada
resulting in the death of 1,000 Israelis + 3,000 Palestinians
- 2006 HAMAS
Election victory of HAMAS in 2006, majority of HAMAS refused to recognise Israel as
a state so halted negotiations.
- 2009 Benjamin Netanyahu
Became PM again, Israeli policy blocked further discussion of a future Palestinian
Support of Great Powers
- 1917 Balfour Declaration
Britain declared intent to establish Jewish homeland in the ME
- 1920 British mandates
Following TofV Britain given mandate over Palestine, allowing them to control
immigration thus fulfilling promise of Balfour.
- 1937 Peel Commission/ partition plan
British government set up an inquiry, led by Lord Peel; concluded that cooperation
was impossible and that the Partition of Palestine into two states was recommended
Although Jewish Agency led by Ben Gurion agreed to the plan even though they
wanted more land. Arabs rejected the plan as they believed all should be an
independent Arab state just as the British promised them in 1915 McMahon letters,
refusal of compromise arguably lengthened conflict to last the whole period.
- 1936-39 Arab Rebellion
Britain's response was harsh to the Arab population. British hanged several Arab
leaders, exiled others etc. They helped train + organise the Jewish Defence Force, the
- 1939 White Paper
British government reduced amount of Jewish immigration to 10,000 over the
following 5 years.
After 5 years, Jewish immigration would not be permitted unless Arabs of Palestine
agreed to it. Jews saw this as an act of betrayal by Britain