Unit 6 - Preparation for Employment in Travel & Tourism Industry
P1 concerts. Events include parties, festivals, evaluating and reporting on the success of an event.
In this assignment I am going to design conferences, and product launches. Good Implement marketing strategies and plans for
a range of Travel and Tourism career products/services. Managing contracts for an event,
flyers (colour) to showcase potential Responsibilities managing the running of an event and managing the
careers from 3 different Travel and
The role of an event coordinator depends on the setup and breakdown of an event are included in this
Tourism sectors.
Industry – Events company and the type of event involved. job role.
Job – Events Coordinator The event co-ordinator will firstly collaborating with The event coordinator has to have good monitoring
clients to find out precise event requirements the and good solving skills for the customer service
deadline. problems.
Depending how big is your team you may be Negotiate sales of products and services. Oversee
responsible for booking a suitable venue for the event health, safety and security at event sites and selling
and creating a publicity campaign to promote it to the products and services to customers are parts of the
public or exhibitors. event coordinator.
Planning room layouts and the entertainment Good communication skills to talk to clients, listening
programme, workshops and demonstrations are very to their needs and presenting ideas and solutions to
important part of their responsibilities. their requirements. Customer service and
Role Details To ensure that the clients get the best service, you will interpersonal skills are required. Calm and work under
An event co-ordinator supports the team members to
need to contact caterers, contractors, and equipment pressure as during an event so many things you may
schedule, promote and organise events on behalf of a
hire companies. need to face like crisis. Computer skills will help to
client or own organisation. Events coordinator will
cooperate with suppliers, exhibitors, guests and You will need to organise facilities for car parking, plan, communicate and organise events. Problem-
clients to ensure the event is just as planned and traffic control, security, first aid, hospitality and the Solving Skills will be needed because if something will
making sure they are satisfied. media. go wrong at an event you have to be able to solve
You will also need to cooperate with the designers to quickly the issue is required.
Duties create a brand for the event and organising the
Events coordinator’s duty is booking the venues and production of tickets, posters, catalogues and sales Qualifications
make sure the venues are secure. Then, ensure that it brochures and social media coverage. GCSEs (A* to C), including English and maths.
is as the client requested. Through social media they Moreover, you will need to organise providers, Although this area of work is open to all graduates
support the promotions of the events. Further they handling their queries and find how to solve the and those with diplomas in related careers such as in
liaise also with newspapers, phone calls, TV and radio problems and ensure that everything runs fluidly. business and event management.
and write press releases in order to gain maximum To record the data entry you will need to create post
advertising coverage. event evaluation reports for event stakeholders. Salary
Meeting and greeting guests are included in their The starting salary will be around £13,000 to £18,000.
duties. During the event they support exhibitors, Skills & Qualities Then, with a few of experience you will get salaries
guests and providers. An event coordinator has to have develop productive from £16,000 to £35,000. Salary varies by employer
As an event co-ordinator, they may specialised in one working relationships with colleagues and sector and geographical location. With commission
particular area – for instance from weddings to music stakeholders. Also has to have good analyses skills like and bonuses your salary increases.