*Link to Brief*
Technological Crime-
Definition of technological crime…
Public awareness is high because…
Likely victims to technological crime would be…because…
Likely offenders would be…because..
More criminal because…however not very deviant since examples like streaming
illegally is normalised
Example- In 2017 NHS a hacking network infected NHS computer with a virus called
‘WannaCry’. To get their computer and files back, the NHS were asked to pay.
Cyber Crime Writeup:
Cyber-crime is any sort of crime which uses technology such as computers, laptops or
just anything that can access internet networks, it can be broken down into specific
crimes such as cyber-bullying, identity theft and theft. Public awareness to cyber-crime is
on the high, this is because in modern society, almost everything is becoming digital
such as online banking, online shopping, etc; this then causes more and more
opportunities for cyber-crime to take place and effect important documents we may
have, so things like anti-virus are becoming more and more important for people to
have. Likely victims to cyber-crime would be people who have little to no technological
know-how, so the elderly and disabled people tend to be key targets; but the
possibilities are endless to who could be targeted as the crimes are becoming more and
more complex. Likely offenders tend to be standard individuals who just have a good
knowledge of technology like hackers; however, lately technological crime has surged
into more professional groups and people who commit crime as a primary source of
income. Large groups of criminal groups are adopting technological crime to produce
worldwide scams. Technological crime is more criminal however, it depends on the type
of crime committed using technology. This is because, with things like identity theft and
fraud, it is very easy to see those as criminal offenses which would get the appropriate
repercussions; however, things like the illegal download of films and movies have
become more normalised in society to do, so it is becoming less deviant as it's so
normalised. An example case of technological crime would be in 2017 NHS a hacking
network infected NHS computer with a virus called ‘WannaCry’. To get their computer
and files back, the NHS were asked to pay.
, Hate Crime-
Individual crime is...an example would be hate crime which is...
Public awareness to this is on the rise because..
Likely victims are..because..
Likely offenders are..because..
Both criminal and deviant because...
Example- Stephen Lawrence
Hate Crime Writeup:
Individual crime is crime that is usually committed against a singular person, an example
would be hate crime. This is when the crime is perceived by the victim or other people to
have been motivated with a prejudice based on a person's sexuality, race, religion, etc.
Public awareness to hate crime is on the rise because it is now being spoken about more
and more in the media, and more incidences are occurring due to minority groups getting
more attention and spotlight rather than being shunned. Likely victims tend to be those that
fit into a ‘minority group’ for example disability, sexuality, gender, etc; this is because they
are seen as more vulnerable and easier to target, as well as the fact that the motivation is
usually the offender having a prejudice towards these groups. Typical offenders are usually
those who have a prejudice or hate towards these minority groups; however, it tends to be
white men who may see themselves as superior to these groups and that they are the
standard and ‘perfect’ person while everything else is flawed. Hate crime is both criminal
and deviant because aggravated assault is a punishable crime which tends to be the main
element to hate crime. It is also deviant as it goes against the values of society which is to
respect everyone. A case study which relates to this crime would be the Stephen Lawrence
case, he was murdered by three white men for being black in 1993.