C458- WGU Health Fitness and Wellness
Exam/71 Questions with Answers Fully
Vitamin A - -Functions: protects the body tissues from damage; vision health
-List B vitamins - -Thiamine (B-1)
Riboflavin (B-2)
Niacin (B-3)
Pantothenic Acid (B-5)
Vitamin B-6
Cobalamin (B-12)
-Sources of Vitamin A - -Plants: Colorful sources, dark green leafy
animals: whole-milk dairy products; liver
-Which Vitamin is only available from eating animal protein? - -Vitamin B-12
-B vitamins - -Helps the body obtain or make energy from the food eaten;
essential for brain function
-Which B vitamin is needed for the formation of red blood cells? - -Vitamin
-Sources of B Vitamins - -Plants: Leafy green vegetables; Beans; Cereal
Animals: Variety
-Vitamin C - -Important for skin, bones, and connective tissue; promotes
healing; helps the body absorb iron for blood; helps the body absorb calcium
and is essential for bone development; plays a role in the muscular, nervous,
and immune systems
-Vitamin C sources - -plants: Fruits and vegetables (bell peppers, citrus,
tomatoes, greens, juices)
-Vitamin D - -Helps body absorb calcium and is essential for bone
development; plays a role in the nervous, muscular and immune systems.
-Sources of Vitamin D - -plants: Enriched cereal
Animals: Milk, egg yolks, live, oily fish
, * body makes naturally with exposure to sunlight*
-Vitamin E - -Protects the body tissues from damage; keeps immune system
strong; supports the formation of blood cells
-Sources of Vitamin E - -plants: Vegetable oils and margarine; nuts, seeds,
leafy greens
-Vitamin K - -Helps body make proteins for healthy bones, tissues, and
blood clotting
-Sources of Vitamin K - -Plants: mostly green vegetables, dark berries
Animals: limited source in meat and eggs
-Calcium - -most notable function: blood vessel contraction; proper
structure and function of bones and teeth; muscle contraction
-Iron - -Most notable function: found in red blood cells; helps provide
oxygen to the cells, tissues and organs; assists in the creation of certain
-Sodium - -Most notable function: Electrolyte that aids fluid balance and
maintenance of blood pressure; needed for muscle function
-Potassium - -Most notable function: electrolyte that maintains fluid status
in cells; helps with nerve transmission; muscle function
-Calcium Food sources - -dairy products, leafy greens and green vegetables,
fish with soft bones, calcium-enriched cereals, juices and soy and rice drinks,
-Iron Food Sources - -Animal protein, enriched breakfast cereals and pastas
and grains, beans and tofu, spinach, broccoli
-Sodium Food Sources - -table salt, packaged and processed foods, soy
sauce and bottled dressings, soups
-Potassium Food Sources - -Leafy greens, Fruit from vines, Vegetables,
Fruits, milk and dairy products
-Unsaturated fats - -"Good" fats, tend to be liquid at room temp
-Saturated fats - -has negative effect on heart health, tend to be solid at
room temp
-Trans fats - -created during conversion of oils into solid fats