11th May 2022
Investigate the health benefits of microorganisms
What is a single-cell protein?
- A single cell protein comes from food grown as a microorganism.
- they can be put into 6 different categories:
. whey
. molasses
. sulfite liquor
. agricultural waste
. brewing waste
. straight chain alkanes
Task 1:
1) how are microorganisms used in bread?
A yeast called Saccharomyces cerevisiae is mixed with sugar, flour and warm water
to make bread. The yeast uses the sugar and the sugars present in the flour as its
food. It breaks them down to provide the yeast with energy for growth. Yeast is a
single celled, microscopic fungus that uses sugar as food. In bread making, the
carbon dioxide produced by the yeast during respiration is trapped in the dough,
causing it to rise.