London News
Demographic changes within Great
the decrease in birth rates continued
steadily from the point of 1967. Although it
This newspaper article will contain an
was already on the decrease, it
explanation of recent demographic
changes that have happened within Great
Britain. It will then go on to explain how
continued to decrease at a faster rate.
demographic data is used in Health and
Since the abortion has been made legal,
Social care provision.
women have been able to terminate
P3 - Birth rates have been declining unwanted pregnancies a lot easier and a
within Great Britain for a number of years lot safer than they would have been able
that could be due to various different to previously. As a result, birth rates have
reasons. One been reduced.
possible reason to
Death rates have also been declining
explain the decline in
along with birth rates which means an
birth rates is the
increasing population number. But why?
wide – and free –
One of the contributing factors could be
use of birth control
the fact
(e.g. condoms, the
that the
implant, the pill). The NHS provides free
number of
birth control which includes various
contraceptive pills, condoms, the implant
and the coil, which has reduced the birth
smoke has
rate. In 2014, the provisional number of
fallen over
births in the UK was 776,351 which was a
the years.
fall of 0.3% as in 2013 there were 778,805
As the graph on the left shows, in 2010,
births. Due to the wide availability of
19.9% of adults admitted to smoking
contraception, this has reduced the
cigarettes, while in 2015 that percentage
amount of females that are conceiving in
dropped to 16.9% - a fall of 3%. Smoking
cigarettes can contribute to a number of
health issues such as lung cancer, stroke
and coronary heart disease, and one in
two smokers will die from a smoking-
related disease, so as the number of
smokers’ reduces, so does the death rate
in the UK. As well as the smoking rate
decrease, improved health education
Great Britain, thus the decline in birth could also be a contributing factor to the
rates. As well, in 1967 abortions were fall in death rate. People are more aware
made legal. As shown in the graph above, about how their diet and lifestyle