TWE was the NP was successful in establishing apartheid, 1948-55?
- Physical apartheid, regulations, ‘petty apartheid’, strengthening NP
- Overall, successful to an extent – however, predominantly lay foundations in this period &
strengthened NP for future enforcement vs directly enforcing, additionally, some measures (e.g. pass
laws) ineffective & unenforceable in this period
P1: Group Areas and Pass Laws (‘physical’ apartheid)
- Pass Laws
o Legislation
1952 Natives Abolition of Passes Act (reference books introduced)
1952 Urban Areas Act (right to minority, to prevent oorstrooming)
o Enforcing in practice
Pass law convictions increased from 164,324 in 1952 to 384,497 in 1962
- However
o Failed to keep Africans out of cities SA African urban population rose from 1.8mil 1946 to
3.5mil 1960 (over whole white population)
o Reference books only extended to women 1956
o Legislation in place but not enforced in practice – therefore unsuccessful
- Group Areas Acts
o Sophiatown – removal began 1950, bulldozed in 6 years
Although only fully destroyed 1956, removal occurred in period
Significant because: 60,000 predominantly African, Africans could own private land
there therefore significant aspect of implementing apartheid as large & removed
rights of Africans in an area where they previously had stronger rights comparatively
o Durban (1950s) – though not completed until later, significant in enforcing apartheid as was
3rd largest city & used to exploit divisions between racial groups (1/3 Indian, 1/3 African –
Africans moved to townships, Indians moved out of central areas – different rights)
- However
o Only enforced in other areas later (e.g. District Six 1966)
o Although 1951 Bantu Authorities Act, process of creating self-governing African units based
on traditional authorities only really began with 1959 Promotion of Bantu Self-Government
Act (therefore not enforced 1948-55)
P2: Apartheid laws (restrictions, ‘petty apartheid’)
- ‘Petty Apartheid’
o Defined racial groups (foundation of apartheid)
1950 Population Registration Act
o Prohibiting sex/marriage across racial boundaries
1949 Mixed Marriage Act, 1950 Immortality Act
o Separate facilities
1953 Reservation of Separate Amenities Act
o Lay foundation for future legislation & apartheid enforcement, ‘petty apartheid’ amplified
existing feelings that blacks and whites shouldn’t mix – ensured apartheid = long term
- However…
o Measures enabled future enforcement but didn’t actually enforce apartheid (e.g. 1950
Population Registration Act)
o ‘Petty Apartheid’ = small aspect, arguably least detested & least significant