Judaism practices
The importance of the Synagogue Interior features of a Synagogue
What is a Synagogue? What is the Aron Hakodesh? Why is it important?
A Synagogue is a building for Jewish public prayer, study The Aron Hakodesh (The Ark) is a special cupboard where the Torah scrolls
and gathering are kept. It is in the front of the Synagogue set into the wall facing the
direction of Jerusalem. This is important as this keeps the scrolls sacred
and is the most holiest place in the synagogue. It is positioned to face
Why is the Synagogue important? where the ancient temple once stood.
A Synagogue is important as it is a place of prayer, study What is the ner tamid? Why is it important?
and education, social and charitable work. It is a place to The ner tamid is also known as the Eternal light- a light that is kept burning
worship and celebrate and to read from the holy Torah in the synagogue above the ark. The importance of it always burning is
scroll. It provides a house of study and classes for learning that is represents and symbolises God’s presence. This also represents the
Hebrew which is important for young Jews to prepare for pillar of fire which guided the Jewish people/Jews through the wilderness.
Bar/Bat Mitzvah. Community can be discussed which
provides a venue for collecting money or items to be What is the bimah? Why is it important?
distributed to the poor, able to enlarge understanding of
The Bimah is a platform in a synagogue from where the Torah is read. This
faith and is used for religious or non-religious activities.
is where the ark is ceremonially opened and the Torah is carried in
procession to reading desk, unrolled to the reading chosen for the day and
is the focus of worship. This is a reminder to the jewish people of the altar
Worship in Orthodox and Reform Synagogues Daily services and prayer
What is Orthodox Judaism? What is a Tallit and why is it significant?
Orthodox Judaism are when Jews who emphasise the importance of following the A tallit is a prayer shawl where each of the four corners of the string is tied in a
laws of the Torah;they believe this was given to Moses exactly as it is on Mount specific pattern called the tzitzit which makes the shawl kosher and presents the
Sinai. mitzvot. It is traditional for men and non-orthodox women and used by kissing the
tzitzit after touching it on the scroll, used in special functions such as bat mitzvah
What is Reform Judaism?
Reform JUdaism are Jews who believe the Torah was inspired by God and was What is a Tefillin and why is it significant?
developed through their history- therefore laws may be adapted to modern life. A Tefillin is two leather straps which wrap around the arm one is worn on the bicep
and inside the tefillin are handwritten parchments with the texts from the shema.
What are some of the differences between Orthodox and Reform Synagogues?
Men wear tefillin in Orthodox and is worn during morning services except on Shabbat
Reform: men and women sit together
or festivals. The second box is worn on the forehead at the hairline. Near heart to
Orthodox: men sit on ground floor and women sit in the galleries above
show you love God, near mind to think about God.
Reform: Bimah is up front of the ark
Orthodox: Bimah is in the centre, therefore all eyes look on it What are some key aspects of the format of Jewish services?
Reform:May have the organ - Warm up services (psa;ms,songs,readings)
Orthodox: may not have the organ -Shema and her blessings
Reform: The person leading the services faces the congregation - Amidah (standing prayer) most important prayer in the service (central)
-The torah service
, Worship in the home, written and oral law Ceremonies associated with birth
What is a Mezuzah and why is it used? What is involved in a naming ceremony and why is it significant?
A Mezuzah is a box with a scroll which is placed on the doorpost to bless your house. It In the naming ceremony the father goes forward to recite the Torah blessing and ask
contains the scroll of the sha’ma which is a Jewish prayer affirming in the belief of one God for the good health, whereas in a babys girls name it will be announced at this
Shabbat in also
God. They theput
a Mezuzah to fulfill the commandment in the shama which says ‘you Shabbat
point.in thelife
Family home
is important because the family is where the Jewish faith is preserved
shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates. and passed onto the next generation. The name is important because its where the
What is Shabbat? How Jews prepare
history lays andfor
past of theWhy is and
family thisthe
hopes and blessings for the newborn’s
Shabbat is a Jewish holy day of the week, a day of renewal starting at
Sunset onisFriday for 25hours, Jews prepare for Shabbat by cooking and washing clothes, they also clean
What the Tenakh and whataare
dayitsof reflection
different and prayer.
What is a Brit Milah and why is it significant?
are the key their house and sort your lights out, they also get dressed into smart
Tanakh areactions in sacred
the Jewish the Shabbat service
scriptures and why
consisting of 24 are they
books. It contains the
Brit Milah is the ceremony of male circumcision- removing of the foreskin. A close
significant? clothes, this is significant because Shabbat is a day of rest and certain
Torah(law) which are the five books of Moses which form the basis of Jewish law(more
friend/relative places the baby on an empty chair that symbolises the presence of
The Candles- Two candles, one to observe Shabbat, one to remember, lit actions are not allowed during the day of Shabbat.
divine). Nevi'im (prophets), the prophets, books that continue to trace Jewish history.
Elijah. A trained circumciser picks up the baby and places him on the kneww of a
by senior female
Ketuvim of fam,
(writings) litcontains
which 18 minsa before sunset,
collection waves
of poetry arms around
and stories. To orthodox jews
What person
are thechosen
key elements of the Shabbat
to be companion table?
of the child. Blessing is made over wine and the baby
God three times,
told Moses thereciting
written the blessing,
Torah includingblessed
Genesis,are you lord our
Deuteronomy andGod,
613 mitzvot
is formally names. The foreskin of the baby's penis is removed in a simple operation
king which
of thewas
universe, and says
written down a prayer
by Moses. asking
While God
on the to bless.
mountain God gave Moses the two The table is usually decorated before Shabbat and is decorated with a
that quickly heals. This is significant as it recalls the covenant that God made with
The tablets
Challah- Two loaves
of stone represent
containing the two portions of Manna that God
the 10 commandments. white cloth, two challahs and a challah cover, a Kiddush cup, and shabbat
Abraham and is a life-long reminder of membership of God chosen people.
provided for the Israelites on Shabbat in wilderness, head of household Candlesticks which symbolises the royalty of Shabbat. Two loaves of bread
What is pidyon-ha-ben and why is it significant?
What cover
removes is the Talmud and
and lifts what saying
bread are its sections?
blessing ‘blessed who brings the are on the table. The Challah is an important symbol because it represents
Pidyon-ha-ben is when Orthodox Jews give a small amount of money after the birth of
bread from the ground’, break is teared into pieces and dipped in salt the double portion of the Manna which fell from the sky for Jewish people
the first born son to redeem him from the temple service, as the temple in Jerusalem
and passed around, the meal then begins. who wandered the desert for 40 days
The Kiddush Cup- Wine is placed and is sweet symbolising joy and
celebration, after service the head of household recites kiddush blessings
The origins and structure of the Bible
What is the Bible?
Explain two sections of the Old Testament
Explain two section of the New Testament
Explain how the books make it to the canon of the New Testament