RESTRICTED (when complete)
Criminal Procedure Rules, r 16.2; Criminal Justice Act 1967, s. 9
Statement of: Aimee Baish
Age if under 18: Over 18 (if over 18 insert ‘over 18’)
Occupation: Police Officer
This statement (consisting of 1 page(s) each signed by me) is true to the best of my knowledge and belief
and I make it knowing that, if it is tendered in evidence, I shall be liable to prosecution if I have wilfully stated
in it anything which I know to be false, or do not believe to be true.
Signature: (witness)
Date: 23/05/2023
I am Aimee Baish, a police officer who interviewed, the witness, Gracie Cox. I carried this interview out with the
help of my colleague, Officer Grace Barratt. This interview began with the opening statement, where I
introduced myself and my colleague to Gracie, explained what would happen in regard to the interview, as well
as confirmed her identity, her DOB was 17/05/2023, and her address was 26 Park Lane with the Postcode NN5
628. After this, the interview began at 9:53am on 23/05/2023. My colleague then proceeded to ask the first
question about what Gracie was doing when the incident occurred, this is where we found that she had just
returned to the office from her lunch break. I then proceeded to ask about the times of her shift, which Gracie
told me went from 8am-5:30pm that day. My colleague asked what time the incident happened, which Gracie
explained again that it was just after her lunch break at 1pm. My colleague and I began to ask about the other
people present, which were her female colleague (name unknown) and Chris, her male colleague. We then
found that the altercation started where her female colleague’s boyfriend (whose name was revealed as Tyler)
had arrived at the office and had begun accusing her female colleague of cheating. Chris then stepped in to
avoid any violence between the colleague and Tyler. We got her to describe her colleague, Chris and Tyler
(these descripitons are found on my colleagues notes, exhibit GEB/1). Who then put his hands on Chris’
shoulders to push him back, as far as Gracie was aware. Then, we had found out that previous to this, her
female colleague and Chris were having a chat about what had happened the night before, where it was
revealed that the colleague had been dragged out the night before for a night out with Amber, who the witness
assumed was her friend. The witness had also revealed that she heard her colleague say that she was
hungover. Then I asked about what the office looked like, had due to not being able to visualise it, I asked
Gracie to draw a sketch of the office which I then exhibited as AMB/1. We had also revealed within the
interview that Tyler and Chris were not physical other than the physical action previously mentioned. Then, we
also found that a blade was used as a threat where Tyler had threatened to cut open Chris’ stomach. We know
that after the altercation the police were called by the colleague, this caused Tyler to get annoyed and leave (on
his own accord). He kicked the bin on his way out. No other damage occurred to the premises or anything
inside of it. The witness was unaware of what happened after Tyler left. My colleague then concluded the
interview at 10.06am after the closing statement. Where she had summarised everything, Gracie had told us.
After the interview, I spoke to the SIO, and advised them to find the female colleagues name, as well as find out
who Amber is. I then also told them to find Tyler and Chris to interview as well. The notes I had taken
throughout the interview were also exhibited as AMB/2.
Signature witnessed by:
Witness contact details URN
Name of witness:
2013 RESTRICTED (when complete)
Home Address: RESTRICTED (when complete) Postcode: MG11
E-mail address: Mobile:
Home Telephone Number: Work Telephone Number:
Preferred means of contact (specify details for vulnerable/intimidated victims and witnesses only):
Gender: Date and place of birth: