AC 2.1 Compare campaigns for change
There are a vast array of reasons for a campaign for change, including law and policy changes, attitude
changes and funding.
There are many campaigns aimed at changing law or policy, including Sarah’s law, Brexit, Assisted dying,
Claire’s law, LGBT and anti-fox hunting. While these campaigns are similar in aims, there are differences
between their personal aims. For example, Sarah’s law aims to make information about sex offenders
public, Claire’s law wanted legal change so that partners could find out each others criminal history and
Assisted dying campaigns for change so that people can die with dignity. All these campaigns are highly
similar because they want to protect people. Meanwhile, Brexit campaigns to leave the EU, LGBT wants
equal rights and anti-fox hunting campaigns want to prevent hunting by abolishing exemption laws.
These are examples of constitutional campaigns which are similar in their aims, showing that while all
these campaigns want legal change, their motivations are different. Other reasons for campaigns for
change are based on attitudes, such as LGBT, anti-fox hunting, Brexit and assisted dying. These
campaigns aim to change people’s attitudes instead of asking for a legal change or to raise money, which
will aid the mission to a changing law. However, anti-fox hunting and Brexit aim to change attitudes
because they believe the current law is wrong, while LGBT and assisted dying aim to change attitudes for
personal beliefs. Brexit does this by encouraging people to leave the EU, while anti-fox hunting wants
stronger laws to be put in place to protect animals. My campaign, Women’s voice also aims to change
the way domestic violence is viewed, while raising support and awareness for the issue to allow more
victims to come forward and report the crime. Funding is another key aim that influences campaigns for
change, including sports relief and cancer research. Funding is a different aim from the others because
its main focus is money, not to raise awareness. Sport relief aims to raise money through sport and
donations to tackle UK and international problems. Meanwhile, cancer researching wants to reduce the
number of deaths from cancer by carrying out research, mainly in the UK. Both campaigns are very
similar as they aim to raise funding.
Campaigns have different purposes, ranging from protecting others, to saving lives and personal
Protecting people is the main purpose of why a lot of campaigns are set up, for example, Sarah’s law
purpose was to protect children, while Claire’s law wanted to protect people from domestic violence.
These two campaigns are very closely linked as their sole purpose is to protect people who cannot
protect themselves, My campaign and Claire’s law are both focused on domestic violence, making them
similar as they want to protect people and potentially save lives. Assisted dying has the purpose of
allowing someone to assist with dying, which is a different type of protection because the person asking
to die has a choice in what is happening, unlike the victims of Sarah’s law and Claire’s law. LGBT tries to
protect people of different sexualities from facing harassment and homophobic behaviour, which is also
a personal motivation. However, protecting people and saving people’s lives are different purposes, also
they can sometimes overlap. An example of when this occurs is in my campaign, Women’s voice wants
to save lives through giving support and a lifeline to domestic violence victims, which differs from the
other campaigns that want to save lives from other campaigns that want to save lives such as cancer
research’s purpose is to save lives through research into cancer, however, this can also protect people
from developing cancer. Their main purpose though is to prevent people from dying. Saving human lives