Exploring attitudes among young adults of the effects clothing has on one’s self-esteem.
Zehra saglam
Department of social sciences, university of Westminster
Self and Society
April 17, 2023
Word count: 1984
, Abstract
This study investigates the connection between young people' appearance and self-esteem.
Through semi-structured interviews, two participants discussed their attitudes about dressing
properly, difficulties in shopping, reasons why they dress differently depending on the
situation, the effect of brands on their confidence, and the idea that their clothes reflect their
personalities. The investigation uncovered five key themes: body image and sizing, occasions
in context, challenges with clothes, comfort, and confidence, and expressing personality. The
results imply that young adults' self-esteem and sense of identity are significantly shaped by
their wardrobe choices. The importance of feeling confident and at ease in one's clothing
choices was stressed by the participants, who also expressed irritation at the lack of options
that fit their size or modesty requirements. Additional studies should investigate the
connection between attire and self-esteem in a variety of young adult demographics and
consider possible interventions to raise self-esteem through attire.
Self-esteem is a crucial component of psychological health, especially in young adults who
are still forming their identities (Arnett, 2000). Clothing helps people to display their
personality, values, and views to others, which has been demonstrated in previous study to
have a substantial impact on how one feels about themselves (Dittmar, 2005; Grogan, 2015).
However, the effect of clothing on self-esteem might vary depending on several variables,
such as personal experiences with body image and cultural standards surrounding beauty and
appearance (Sperling & Hacker, 2019).
Particularly among young adults, there has been an increase in interest in the connection
between attire and self-esteem in recent years. To assert one's identity and increase self-
, confidence, wardrobe choices are frequently made during the formative years of adolescence
and young adulthood (Gorgan & Richards, 2002; Swami et al., 2009). It is essential to
comprehend how clothing affects young adults' self-esteem to promote good mental health
The earlier research that looked at the connection between appearance and self-esteem is built
upon in the present study. For instance, Peluchette and Karl (2007) discovered that people
were viewed as more competent and authoritative by others and had better levels of self-
esteem when they dressed professionally. Similarly, Kwon and Lennon (2009) discovered
that those who dressed in a way that expressed their individuality had greater levels of self-
esteem and were more inclined to interact with others in a positive way. Sperling and Hacker
(2019) did a study to examine the connection between young adults' appearance and self-
esteem. The purpose of the study was to determine whether certain clothing choices are
related to greater levels of self-esteem and how clothing choices affect self-esteem.
By utilising a qualitative approach to investigate young adults' experiences with clothing and
self-esteem, this study seeks to close the gap in the literature. This study can offer important
insights into the nuanced ways that clothes can affect self-esteem and advance our knowledge
of the role that clothing plays in young people' lives by gathering rich, in-depth data on
participant experiences. The results of this study may help programmes that support young
adults' development of positive self-esteem and body image by emphasising the role that
clothing plays in self-expression and identity formation. According to the study, young adult
females' perceptions of how their clothing choices affect their comfort, self-expression, and
physical appearance are positively correlated with their self-esteem.