Unit 8 Long Haul Destnaton
Assignment 3
Mario Husanu
Travel and Tourism Level 3 Extended Diploma
D2: Evaluate how the selected destiatoi has caaptalpsed oi pts
features aid develoaed pts facplptes to atract dpiereit t aes of
vpsptors from the UK.
British tourists are the second largest group travelling to Florida, after the Canada.
Looking at the 2017 international numbers, we can confirm that a lot of UK tourists would
want to have a nice holiday in Florida.
Canada 3.48 million
United Kingdom 1.44 million
Brazil 0.99 million (
Argentina 0.65 million
Columbia 0.53 million
Florida has a well-developed tourism infrastructure, developed around its natural and man-
made atractons, and nowhere are there so many varied and quality atractons that can be
enjoyed by visitors of all ages. Tourism is the number one provider of jobs for Floridians. It is
a major provider of tax revenue for cites, countes and the state of Florida.
Miami Beach, Walt Disney World, Clearwater, the World Golf Hall of Fame, the Florida Keys,
Universal Studios, Sea World. The list goes on for days. Perhaps nowhere on Earth are so
many well-known tourist atractons congregated within one area, and certainly nowhere
else in the United States is this the case. Florida is the top vacaton destnaton for travelers
both domestc and internatonal, and keeping that status is an absolute imperatve if Florida
is to fully emerge from the Great Recession, and prosper in the future. Luckily for the
world’s travelers, the Sunshine State ofers a great variety of atractons and actvites for
nearly everyone. While the state is mostly known for its beaches and its numerous
amusement parks, arts, cultural, sportng, and outdoor actvites all have world-class
facilites here in Florida.
Disney’s Magic Kingdom Park was the number one overall theme park in the world in
number of visitors in 2014, expectng even more growth with the recent signifcant
expansion of Fantasyland. This is the largest-ever expansion of the Magic Kingdom,
expanding Fantasyland from 10 to 21 acres, all of this made with money gained from the
tourism industry.