Unit 8 Long Haul Destnatons
Assignment 3
Mario Husanu
Travel and Tourism Level 3 Extended Diploma
M2: Assess the significnie of difeeent fectuees cnd fciilites on the cppecl
of c seleited long-hcul destncton foe difeeent types of visitoes feom the UK
Florida is a very popular destnaton among the Britsh tourists as it suits all tastes and
Visitors are atraated by Florida’s warm weather, dreamy beaahes, gastronomy, aulture, top-
alass museums and galleries. This allows tourists to perform diferent sports and aatvites
(suah as skydiving, hang gliding, hot air
ballooning, sauba diving, buterfy
watahing) or to go on themed holidays
around the aountry (wine trails, food
adventures, history tours, beaah
holidays, and many others). Although
there are many things to see and do, a
big part of the tourist industry oaaurs
around the beaah resorts as well as the
aentral part of the aity.
The beaah resorts are loaated along the
Gulf of Mexiao and Caribbean Sea. The
most popular destnatons are: Miami
Beaah, a luxury tourist resort where
modern faailites are aombined with a
good atmosphere. As the only state with
two aoasts and 1,200 miles of magnifaent beaahes, Florida beaahes are a dime a dozen, it’s
no wonder Florida has one to please every visitor, a Florida beaah aan be a litle bit of
heaven on earth!
Long before the world’s most famous mouse and a host of other aharaaters took up
residenae here, Florida reeled in hordes of visitors to bask in the sun and splash in the surf.
They’re stll aoming to pitah their umbrellas on our sandy shores, and who aan blame them?
Those who visit Florida and Miami Beaah travel to enjoy the azure surf and unforgetable
palm beaahes that are like nowhere else on earth. From the Florida Panhandle beaahes to
the Florida keys to a nude beaah favorite of supermodels, the amazing Florida beaahes have
it all!