Anglicism:English christianity created by Henry
Lutheranism:Protestant following Martin Luther
Political Issues
Edward Mary
Days after fathers death his instruction that Mary fled to East Anglia, raising a force.
country be ruled by regency council, not his nine Northumberland’s force deserted and he was forced to
year old son ignored. Instead Duke of Somerset surrender. LJG ruled for nine days. Coup
made Lord protector by council. Ruled with dry
stamps and proclamations based at home not Mary’s accession was popular but as a woman had to
court. Had autocratic rule, angering councillors. marry ( large political issue). Two candidates, Edward
Riots, rebellions in summer 1549. Relied heavily Courteany (Earl of Devon) supported by Gardiner and
on earl of Warick to crush them. With weakens her choice Philip of Spain (supported by paget).
power he retreated to hampton court then Courtenay, royal blood and Plantagenets, argued help
Windsor castle with Edward. Tried to raise strengthen the Tudor dynasty. Phillip brought England
support but he was accused of rousing the closer to Habsburg (her mothers family) even though he
commons and kidnapping the king. Later was powerful and could protect marry concern he’d drag
surrendered. Government (regency council) England into their wars. Mary ignored petitions and
opposition and & december marriage treaty present o
1549-50 Northumberland dismissed catholic council. Marriage (Divided government/religion)
leaders from the court, giving him control of the
privy council becoming lord president. Tried to This resulted in Wyatt's rebellion (Jan 1554). Involved
reconcile with Somerset, brought him back. But members of the political elite, led by SIr James Croft,
he continued to plot, so executed in 1552. Peter Carew, Thomas Wyatt's (Held office under henry
Religion and edward). Rebels planned to marry Elizabeth to
Courtenay, he told this to Gardiner forcing Wyatt to
Northumberland’s rule had great stability till raise his army earlier (3000 men) Rebellion got close to
1553 when Edward's Health began to decline, Ludgate in London but surrendered, Mary executed less
followed by an attempt to alter the succession than 100, showing she didn't consider serious threat or
with catholic mary. In 1554 Henry VIII issued a she didn't want to provoke more unrest. Wyatt, sulkfork,
Third Succession act confirming if Edward died it LJG and husband were executed. Croft imprisoned, later
would go to Mary (her heirs), then Elizabeth. released. Carew fled to France. Courtenay and elizabeth
Stated under the great seal of his last will, arrested, then integrated but later released. Coup,
reversed succession act but illegitimacy not rebellion
reversed. Succession crisis
Divided Privy council, some say the size meant it was
Northumberland’s son, Guildford Dudley ineffective even though it was a similar size to
married Lady Jane Grey and the plan to create Northumberlands. Efficiency of council meetings aided
Mary and Elizabeth illegitimate drawn up, by establishment of committees 1554 (excluded casual
naming LJG male descendants heirs. Edwards councileros), the ‘inner council’ 1555, Philips departure
sudden death meant no males, the throne and death of gardiner allowed paget to dominate 1555.
passed to LJG. Coup Divided government (religion, marriage)
Unease concerning her religious policies and the burning
of Protestant. Her hope for marriage was to secure
catholic succession but Mary's age and the fact Phlip
was in England very little did not occur. Succession issue
Couldn’t produce heirs and had two phantom
pregnancies (1554 & 57 ). She altered the will excluding
everyone but her children from succession. But dying,
reluctant she recognised her half sister Elizabeth with
provision she kept England Catholic, Elsizaberh never