Unit 27 – M1, M2, D1 Kojar Ahmed
The working environment can pose many dangers and employers and employees must both work to
reduce the potental risk oo harm. Accidents that occur in the working environment are commonly
caused by things such as:
• oalling objects
• hand tools
• moving objects.
When employers carry out risk assessments, they must consider the risk to employees oo being
struck by oalling objects. They must ensure that:
• items stored above ground level, such as on storage shelving in warehouses, are secure and will
not oall easily io disturbed
• Heavier items are stored on or near the ground with lighter items stored higher up
• Careoul consideraton is given to methods oo stacking, handling and movement oo goods to prevent
objects oalling
• All selo-standing objects, such as gas cylinders, or objects leaning against walls are either stable io
knocked or secured. Hand tools, such as knives, pose a signifcant risk oo injury oor many types oo
business and employers should make sure that such tools are saoely stored when not in use. In
industries where knives are ofen used, employees should be given protectve clothing to prevent
Whilst the number oo employees killed or injured by fre or serious incident such as an explosion is
very rare, it is essental that all staf in any organisatons know what to do in the event oo a fre or
other emergency. Procedures oor an emergency evacuaton must be detailed in a fre saoety policy
document. Abbreviated versions oo this policy should be oound on the fre acton notces that are
posted on the walls oo the building, usually above a break glass point. Employees should be trained
on inducton about fre and evacuaton procedures so that they know what to do in the event oo
hearing the fre alarm, discovering a fre, or there being an explosion. Regular practce evacuaton
drills must be carried out so that employees know what to do and where to go. On hearing the fre
alarm, employees must leave the building by the nearest available exit and make their way to the
designated evacuaton assembly area. The locaton oo this assembly area will be writen on the fre
acton notces. Employers must appoint appropriate staf to the role oo fre marshals to guide
employees out oo the building ensuring that they are the last to leave and that all doors are closed
behind them. Fire marshals should also ensure, so oar as is reasonably practcable, that they and
those whom they are responsible oor make their way to the assembly area by the saoest route. They
are responsible oor ensuring that all staf under their control are accounted oor. Special evacuaton
procedures should be in place oor disabled employees.
The Cheadle College should also ensure that their employees and students are oully educated on fre
evacuaton procedures, this can be done by putng up inoormatve posters around the campus or by
having assemblies. The Cheadle College also has dedicated fre evacuaton sites and procedures oor
students in the case oo an emergency.
As part oo their emergency risk assessment, employers must consider whether, in the event oo an
emergency like a fre occurring, all persons in the workplace could leave saoely and reach a place oo