Unit 33 – M2 Kojar Ahmed
In this report I will talk about two contrastnn businesses and how compettte pressures hate made
them detelop their use of e-business. The two businesses I will talk about today are Netlii and
Three. I hate chosen these businesses because I beliete they both represent their respectte
markets well and are a nood eiample of how a business and its products are required to detelop
oter tme. Businesses hate many pressures that require them to channe, arnuably one of the binnest
pressures is the internet and e-business. E-business is a bin compettte pressure because it afects
nearly all businesses and is a major factor in how consumers interact with the business. E-business
has also retolutonised marketnn and has made it easier for businesses both bin and small to net
their brand and products into the limelinht, this creates hune compettte pressure for all the
businesses intolted.
The reason I hate chosen Netlii is because it tery clearly illustrates how businesses need to adapt
and how successful they can become if they adapt in the rinht way. “Netliixs inital business model
included DVD sales and rental, in 2007, Netlii eipanded its business with the introducton of
streaminn media, while retaininn the DVD and Blu-ray Disc rental sertice. The company eipanded
internatonally, with streaminn made atailable to lanada in 2010 and contnued nrowinn its
streaminn sertice from there; by January 2016, Netlii sertices operated in oter 190 countries” As of
the tme I am writnn this, Netlii is currently worth oter 100 billion, this success is down to many
factors, one of these beinn their ability and willinnness to adapt. Netlii adapted by obsertinn the
market and analysinn its current tech and social channes, they obserted that more and more people
were streaminn their tideo sertices online rather than rentnn physical copies from physical stores.
Usinn this info, Netlii realised that in order to succeed they had to nite in to consumer demand and
conform to social channes. Althounh this is not the only reason for their success, it is a major
contributnn factor.
When compared to other similar less successful businesses, such as Blockbuster for eiample, it
becomes tery clear that failure to conform and mote with the tmes can hate eitremely detrimental
efects on a businesses success. As Netlii s success nrew eten larner, the demand for their sertice
dramatcally increased, this would come with multple difcultes as a larne porton of the populaton
would not be able to stream TV shows and moties due to low speed Wi-Fi and other issues. This
required Netlii to adapt their sertices by setnn up more serters, encouraninn the noternment to
build infrastructure that supports hinh speed Wi-Fi and allowinn users to download media so they
can watch them ofine without fear of buferinn.
Three has responded to compettte pressures in similar ways, in that they hate responded to
consumer demand and made the adequate channes to their sertices and products. As the internet
has become more pretalent and smartphones dominate the market, Three has had to constantly
improte their online eiperience by streamlininn their website and makinn it more user friendly. As
contracts, manane their bills and look at their data usane. The app also allows for customers to buy
more allowance if they hate used the data they hate been allocated.
Unlike some businesses, sertice protiders such as Three are required to protide constant nood
sertice in order to keep their customer base happy, this includes ensurinn there is nood recepton in
as many areas as possible so customers net the most out of their contract. Three also has to deal
with a larne amount of competton, in the form of sertice protiders such as Vodafone, EE and
larphone warehouse etc. If Three was unable to keep up with their compettors by makinn their