OCANZ Quiz – Questions with
complete answers
How many Australians have diabetes? - -1.7 million
-What % of diabetes is type 2? 90% - -90%
-What is type 1 diabetes? - -Immune mediated destruction of B cells
-What is type 2 diabetes? B cell dysfunction and insulin resistance - -B cell
dysfunction and insulin resistance
-Who is at risk of type 2 diabetes? - ->40, waistline >80cmF/>94cmM,
south Asian or African descent, polycystic ovaries, gestational diabetes,
mental illness medication
-How is type 2 diabetes diagnosed? - -Venous plasma glucose >11.1mmol/l,
>7.0mmol/l fasting, HbA1c 48 mmol/mol (6.5%)
-Name diabetic meds types: - -Metformin, Thiazolidenediones
(pioglitazone), suplhonylureas (gliclazide), meglitinides, DPP-4 inhibitors
(sitagliptin), glucosidase inhibitors
-What is prevalence of DR after two decades? - -100% type 1, 60% type 2
-What are the consequences of microvascular occlusion in DR? - -Hypoxia -
> IRMA and NV
-What are the consequences of microvascular leakage in DR? Haems,
plasma leakage -> oedema and exudates - -Haems, plasma leakage ->
oedema and exudates
-What is R1? - -Flame, dot haems, singular blot haem
-What is R2? - -CWS, exudates, IRMA, venous changes, x2 blot haems
-What is R3? - -NVD, NVW, Rubeosis iridis, pre-retinal haems
-What are the types of diabetic maculopathy? - -Focal, diffuse, ischaemic,
-What do you need to provide medicare treatment? - -A provider number
,-Who is a green medicare card for? - -A permanent resident or citizen of
-Whois a blue medicare card for? - -Someone waiting for permanent
residence - a temporary medicare card
-What is a RHCA? - -A reciprocal health care agreement card for certified
-When can't medicare benefits be claimed? - -For dispensing and
adjustments, rx copies, cosmetic surgery, refractive surgery, vocational tests
or tests for sports, tests requested by an employer, driving license tests,
when testing a spouse or dependant, post-op aftercare
-What is code 10905? - -Referred following examination
-10910? - -Sight test for px < 65
-10911? - -Sight test for px > 65
-10912? - -Early test with significant change in visual function
-10913? - -Early test with new signs or symptoms
-10914? - -Early test progressive disorder
-10915? - -Examination of diabetic px
-10918? - -Second consultation
-10931-10933? - -Domiciliary
-10940 and 10941? - -Visual fields testing
-10942? - -Low Vision Assessment
-10943? - -Children's vision assessment aged 3-14
-10944? - -FB removal
-What is the standard for Australian / NZ sunglasses? - -AS/NZS 1067
-What is the standard mark for welding protection? - -AS/NZS 1338.1
, -What is the standard mark for filters against UV? - -AS/NZS 1338.2
-What is the standard mark for protection against IR radiation? - -1338.3
-What is the minimum a px records should be kept for? - -7 years or until
the age of 25, whichever is the longest
-Which state quotes a minimum of 10 years? - -Western Australia
-What is the ocular marking HT? - -Heat tempered
-What is the ocular marking CT? - -Chemically tempered
-What letters would be on a medium impact device? - -I and F
-What letters would be on a high impact device? - -V and B
-What letter would be on an extra high impact device? - -A
-What letters would be on specs for molten metals or hot solids? - -M or 9
-What are visual standards for cars and motorcycles? - -Uncorrected VA no
worse than 6/12 better eye - license allowed if adequate correction with
specs, Corrected VA no worse than 6/24. 110 degrees horizontally with 10
degrees above and below midline, scotoma within 20 degrees of fixation
-What are the visual standards for a HGV? - -Uncorrected VA is worse than
6/9 in better eye or 6/18 either eye - conditional license if correctable. Visual
field 140 degrees within 10 degrees above and below the midline, no field
loss/scotoma, hemianopia, quadrantanopia likely to impede driving
-What are the visual standards for a train driver? - -Can't be worse than 6/9
in best eye, can't be worse than 6/18 either eye. No visual field defect, not
monocular, normal colour vision, no diplopia
-What are the visual standards for an electrician? - -Adequate colour vision -
anomalous colour vision may be acceptable, D15 test.
-What are category A conditions for firefighters? - -BCVA less than 6/9
binocularly, less than 6/18 either eye, uncorrected distance less than 6/36
binocularly, BC NVA less than N5, visual fields less than 120 degrees in the
horizontal field each eye, protan defect, significant deutan defect, retinal
detachment, diplopia, night blindness, corneal scarring, monocular vision