The Crusader States in the Twelfth Century
Establishment of the Crusader States
Kingdom of Jerusalem (1099 – 1291):
• Once captured by the Crusaders on the 15th of July 1099, Godfrey is made Ruler of
Jerusalem – he dies in July 1110 and Baldwin of Edessa is crowned King of Jerusalem
• Jerusalem was then ruled by Baldwin and his heirs
• Occupied by people from Lorraine and Flanders
Principality of Antioch (1098 – 1268):
• Bohemond becomes the first Prince of Antioch in 1098
• He is captured by Muslims in 1101, and Baldwin of Edessa pays his ransom
• He returns in 1103 and then went back to West to seek support
• He arrived back in 1106 and married Constance, daughter of Philip I of France
County of Edessa (1098 – 1144):
• Baldwin becomes the Count of Edessa in 1098 after he was adopted by Thoros
• Predominantly Normans
County of Tripoli (1109 – 1289):
• Tripoli was founded by Raymond of Toulouse (died in 1105) in 1109 – William Jordan
and Bertrand fought to gain control of the County to Baldwin split it between them
• William died and Bertrand became Count of Tripoli
• Generally a Frankish maritime state rather than kingdom
• Predominantly Provencians
Crusade of 1101:
• Continuation of the First Crusade (around 20,000 – 30,000)
• Crusaders sent messengers to the West urging fellow Christians to join them – Papal
Letters are also sent
• Motivation – Jerusalem’s capture made religious belief stronger
• Opportunity for deserters to complete their vows e.g. Stephen of Blois
• 2 armies set off – depleted by Muslim attacks, reach Jerusalem in spring 1102
• Provide large cavalry section of Battle of Ramla, 1102 and Jaffa, 1102
, The Role of Rulers (of Jerusalem)
Baldwin I (1100 – 1118)
• Takes title after Godfrey in November 1100
• Main priority was the conquest of coastal ports and defence against Fatamid forces
• Held his nobles in close control until issue of succession
• 1104 – besieged town of Acre, allowed inhabitants to stay, introduced a poll tax
• 1110 – Beirut and Sidon Ports captured
• 1115 – established authority in region south of Dead Sea to control trade routed between
Egypt and Syria and made them pay taxes, built castle of Montreal in Transjordan
• Died in 1118, Baldwin II of Edessa takes the throne
Baldwin II (1118 – 1131):
• Battle of the Field of Blood, June 1119 – crisis that Baldwin II dealt with, Il-Ghazi of
Mardin and Tughtigin of Damascus led an army against Roger of Antioch
o Roger of Antioch dies, 700 knights died, 3000-foot soldiers died
o Baldwin goes north to take command of Antioch - remarried widows to his men,
defended Antioch, preserved it under extreme pressure
• His reign was characterised by military necessity – 13 years of power led campaigns (19
campaigns) against Muslims, trying to help situation in Antioch
• Had to ride to Antioch 6 times, and was regent from 1119 - 1126
• 1125 – 1126 – fought Zerdana and A’zaz and won Damascus and Aleppo
• 1126 – victorious against Raphania in Egypt and Antioch
• Encouraged Hugh of Payns to go to the West for Papal endorsement for the order and
raise money and men for them
o Also to recruit men from Europe for another Crusade to expand territory - confidence
• Problem of succession – wife dead, had 4 daughters, married eldest to military leader
Fulk (ties with the west)
Melisende (with Fulk 1131 – 1143, with Baldwin III 1143 – 1155):
• Melisende marries Fulk in 1131, however there are internal problems caused by the
marriage – between Angevins and Natives
• The Franks begin to act against threat from Egyptian Ascalon
• There is considerable pressure on Antioch from Christians and Muslims
• Fulk dies in a hunting accident in 1143
• Melisende continued to govern in 1145 when Baldwin III came of age (15)
• June 1148 – leaders of the Second Crusade meet them in the great council at Palmarea to
decided attack on Damascus – Melisende leading partner, Baldwin III unhappy
• Baldwin exiles Melisende