Psychology Revision
The Biological Approach
Assumption 1:
Evolutionary Influences Key Points
This assumption believes that we are who we are When linking to the formation of romantic
relationships, psychologist Trivers believes that
based on evolutionary influences, this it is driven by the instinct to create offspring
assumptions focus’ on beliefs such as Darwin’s with a strong gene pool.
Theory of Evolution, and states that speices Typically, females would look for a male who
can provide for them and their child,
survive based on natural selection, meaning
someone with a stable income, dominant
characteristics most likley to assist in speicies features and a high independance may be of
survival get evolved. This is called Survival of the interest. However, males are more typical to
fittest. go for someone with desirable features for
,motherhood, such as a caring nature, with
This approach also believes in something called larger hips and breasts, signs that show
Altrism, where a parent would risk their own life youthfulness and ability to reproduce.
to save that of their offspring.
Assumption 2:
Key Points
there are specific areas of the brain
Localisation of the braun
linked to processing of language. This The assumption of the localisation of the brain states
study comes from 19th Century that different sectors of the brain serve out different
neurosurgeon Paul Bronca, who found sections, there are four notable sections: the frontal
8 patients with language problems all lobe, located at the front of the brain, responsible for
had lesions in the left hemisphere of problem solving, the Parietal lobe, located in the
their brains, this is names Bronca’s
middle section of the brain. Responsible for sensory
area. Carl Wernicke, a German
neurosurgeon found there was another processes such as pain. The Occipital lobe, located at
area of the brain responsible for the back of the brain. Responsible for interpreting
language, located in the posterior visual stimuli. And the Temporal lobe located on the
portion of the left temporal lobe. This bottom section of the brain. Responsible for
became known as Wernicke's area. auditory information.
Assumption 3:
Key Points
The role of neurotransitters Neurotransmitters are often linked to
Neurotransmitters are chemical transmitters in the the formation of romantic
brain that control emotions and behaviour, they are relationships. for example, oxytocin,
released via presynaptic vesicles in one neuron, and known as the hug hormone, is released
will either stimulate or inhibit receptors in the through phsysical contact, such as
postsynaptic vesicle. Neurotransmitters have been touch or hug, it released feelings of
seen to play a huge role in mental health, for example, trust and saftey, which can help in
serotonin plays a role in mood, sleep and appetite, too building healthy romantic
little results in depression, where as too much (along relationships. Another example is that
with dopamine) results in mania. Another example is of dopamine, a hormone that offers
dopamine, known a the bodies natural drug, feelings of lust and desire, however, too
dopamine has been found to be responsible for much dopamine results in obsession