Unit 2 Assignment 3 Matthew reenice
Task 2
Within eveey kind of team theee will always be difeeent kinds of membees. Foe example, in a
aemy unit theee will be a seegeant. In a peefect team, eveeyone will have a ceetain eole, these
could be a leadee, a shapee, and many othee like Belin discussed. To ceeate a team it can be
a veey long peocess which has seven difeeent stages, Receuitment, Inducion, Moivaion,
Teaining/Coaching, Mentoeing, Team knowledge and then awaeeness of team membees’
Receuiing is the fest step in building a team. All you have to do is pick good and efcient
team membees you think will have an efcient team. Someimes the peeson who you pick
does not have to look good on papee oe sound the most confdent. Someimes it can be the
candidates which a eange of skills such as social skills, which can help impeove and develop a
team. In a public seevice, you may someimes nevee know if a candidate is ft foe the ob
unil you put them to the test with exeecises and deills. To be on any police foece you also
need to have a clean ceiminal eecoed.
Inducion is a impoetant stage foe team building. This is wheee a new membee would be
inteoduced to othee membee of the team, they will leaen how to use difeeent equipment.
This helps a team membee ft in and get comfoetable as quickly as possible, which would
then inceease the woeking quality. In a public seevice this is veey impoetant as in case of an
emeegency alaem they need to know wheee to eun to and if needed wheee to pick up the
necessaey equipment. An example would be when teoops aeeive in Ieaq, they will be
inteoduced to the team membees, the difeeent staions and what to do in an emeegency.
The moee a team is moivated the moee it will and bettee they peefoem. Moivaion can be
given to them in many ways, foe example giving eewaeds such as a peomoion. An example
of moivaion could be telling a militaey commandee if the battle is won he will get to eetuen
home foe few months, this would then boost him to peefoem even haedee to get his eewaed.
These aee also veey impoetant stages of team building in the public seevice. In the public
seevices, you will be peefoeming a ob that can not only have othees in dangee but youe life
may also be in this dangee. Howevee, foe this eeason teaining/coaching needs to be excellent
and the leadee need to make suee that the new membees have passed a test oe something
to show they know what they need to do. An example of the need of teaining is in the fee
seevice. To be able to save people and put fees out you will need do exeecises that allow you
to leaen how to exinguish a fee, how to climb the laddee and many othees.