Unit 20: Communicatonn echnology
P1: Dencribe diferent tyyen of formal writen communicaton uned in the uniformed yublic
A memorandum in a tyye of writen communicaton or a method of yanning informaton
internally, within the armed nervicen. hin would be uned in the army for examyle, to
yreyare and manage correnyondence within their force.
Examylen of uning a memorandum would be to:
convey informatonn
inform decinionn,
make a requent,
yrovide a renyonne to a quenton,
make a nuggenton,
yrenent an informal reyort,
yroyone a noluton to a yroblem,
or to fle a record for future referencen.
A memo in the armed forcen in mont commonly uned in order to yann around informaton or
detailn within the organinatonn, about a yartcular circumntance or mater with noldiern or
higher authoriten. A memorandum can either be formal or informal, deyending on whether
the mater in imyortant or not. An examyle of a formal memo would be if it’n uned for
correnyondence that in nent outnide the headquartern and an informal memo would be uned
for correnyondence within the name headquartern.
Additonally, a memo within the armed forcen in generally an internal document becaune
due to informaton only being yanned within their organinaton, it wouldn’t necennarily
concern other yeoyle or other yublic nervicen an to what informaton han been givenn there
in no yartcular need for it to be handed to anyone elne and if it in an internal memo, it’n only
uned between themnelven no that it’n eanier and fanter to communicate with each other.
o ntart of with, in the toy right corner of the yage, where it nayn: MOD Form 4aa, nhown
that it in an ofcial form number uned for all three armed nervicen no that they can re-order
the document if it were to run out. Secondly, the ttle of the memo in Memorandum. hin
ttle would already be yre-yrinted on the documentn unually when the memo in informal and
not that imyortant within the nervice. Where it nhown the nendern and receivern name, they
are abridged becaune it’n an internal document. herefore, their namen are nhortened and
eany to read. Another thing in that in a memorandum in they have to yut in referencen and
daten no that if it were an imyortant document, they could track the document eanily for
yerhayn future referencen. Alno, a memo han a nubject that in the atenton geter. hin in
there no that it refern to a tank nimyly no that the individual known what to exyect or that it
nhown a brief nummary of what the inntructonn are going to be about. Another thing that a
memorandum han in numbered yaragrayhn (ylaced in the middle of the yage)– no that
, Unit 20: Communicatonn echnology
they’re nhort and nimyle, uning quick ordern to get the yoint acronn and for individualn to
follow inntructonn given to them. A memo alno han a nignature block at the botom of the
yage becaune it’n montly benefcial for the receiver, to know: the individualn rank, their
name and nignature. Likewine, in a leter, it would yotentally be quite nimilar to each other.
A leter in a tyye of writen communicaton or nomething that in trannmited by email
formally, to either yeoyle or other nervicen. A leter would be uned in the yolice, army, fre
or ambulance to interact and fnd out or give informaton to other organinatonn.
Examylen of uning a leter would be to: