PMHNP Erikson's Stages of Human
Development question and answers
Infancy 0-1
(Task, Mastery, Developmental failure) - ✔✔Trust vs Mistrust
Mastery: form meaningful relationships, hope in the future
Developmental failure: poor relationships, lack of future hope, suspicious of others
Early Childhood 1-3
(Task, Mastery, Developmental failure) - ✔✔Autonomy vs Shame and doubt
Mastery: Self esteem, self-control, will power
Developmental failure: poor self-control, low self-esteem, self-doubt, lack of independence
Late Childhood 3-6
(Task, Mastery, Developmental failure) - ✔✔Initiative vs. guilt
Mastery: sense of purpose, goal formation
Developmental failure: lack of self-initiated behavior, lack of goal orientation
School Age 6-12
(Task, Mastery, Developmental failure) - ✔✔Industry vs Inferiority
Mastery: Ability to work; sense of competency and achievement
Developmental failure: sense of inferiority, difficulty with working, learning
Adolescence 12-20
(Task, Mastery, Developmental failure) - ✔✔Identity vs. role confusion
, Mastery: Personal sense of identity
Developmental failure: identity confusion, poor self-identification in group
Early adulthood 20-35
(Task, Mastery, Developmental failure) - ✔✔Intimacy vs isolation
Mastery: committed relationships, capacity to love
Developmental failure: emotional isolation, ego-centrism
Middle Adulthood 35-65
(Task, Mastery, Developmental failure) - ✔✔Generativity vs. self-absorption and stagnation
Mastery: able to give time and talents to others, care for others
Developmental failure: self-absorption, inability to grow and change as a person, inability to care for
Late adulthood >65
(Task, Mastery, Developmental failure) - ✔✔Integrity vs. despair
Mastery: fulfillment and comfort with life, willingness to face death, insight & balanced perspective on
Developmental failure: bitterness, sense of dissatisfaction with life, despair over impending death
Poor relationships, lack of future hope, suspicious of others - ✔✔Developmental failure of Trust vs
Mistrust (Infant)
Poor self-control, low self-esteem, self-doubt, lack of independence - ✔✔Developmental failure of
Autonomy vs Shame & doubt (Early childhood 1-3)