PMHNP Board Prep 1 – 12 QUESTION
symptom presentation - ✔✔affective, cognitive, physical
autosomal dominant - ✔✔genetic inheritance. will present in more than one generation. 50/50 chance
of passing on trait (Huningtons)
autosomal recessive - ✔✔two copies must be present (cystic fibrosis
prior to MSE - ✔✔assessment includes ROS, VS, heart tone, lung sounds, neuro exam, muscle tone,
SLUMS - ✔✔11 items. Max 30, 27-30 normal for high school education, 21-60 mild neurocognitive
disorder, 0-20 dementia
MMSE - ✔✔11 components. Max 30, no impairment 24-30
Delirium/dementia 18-23 mild, 0-7 severe
SLAP - ✔✔suicide assessment. Social support, Lethality, Access to means, Plan/Previous attempt
Hamilton Anxiety Rating scale - ✔✔most popular anxiety scale
Vanderbilt Assessment Scale - ✔✔free ADHD assessment tool
Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (AIMS) - ✔✔total score is less important than monitoring areas
of the body. 2 or more is positive. Question 7 examines trunk movements
,WHODAS - ✔✔36 item, measures six domains, understanding and communicating, getting around, self
care, getting along with people, life activities and participation with society. 0=no disability, 100=full
Metabolic syndrome - ✔✔abdominal obesity and any two of the following: triglycerides >150, HDL
>40/50, BP >130/85, FSBS >100 or prior type 2 diabetes
general screening labs - ✔✔CBC, chemistry panel, thyroid labs, hepatic panel, B12/folate and vitamin D
PET scan - ✔✔localizes mental activities, primarily as experimental basis and is very expensive
cranial nerves - ✔✔olfactory=smell, sensory
optic=vision, sensory
oculomotor=most EOM, motor
trochlear=downward and inward eye movement, motor
trigeminal=mastication muscles, sensation of face, both
abducens=lateral eye movmement, motor
facial=move face, close eyes, taste, saliva, tears, both
acoustic=hearing and balance, sensory
glossopharyngeal=phonation, gag, carotid, swallowing, taste, both
vagus=talk, swallow, carotid, both
spinal accessory=shrug shoulders, motor
hypoglossal=moves the tounge, motor
tender lymph node - ✔✔classic sign of infection
,rubbery lymph node - ✔✔classic sign of lymphoma
soft lymph node - ✔✔insignificant
nontender lymph node - ✔✔classic sign of potential malignancy
lymph node size - ✔✔insignificant if less than 2cm, 3cm in axilla and inguinal. but if supraclavicular
fossa, >1cm is significant
lasts longest in the urine - ✔✔cannabis. 3 days to 4 weeks
pneumococcal vaccine - ✔✔give to 19-64 year old smoker or if have asthma
Pap smear - ✔✔every 3 years, HPV every 5 years. discontinue at age 65-70 if have 3 consecutive
negative and no abnormal tests in 10 years
prostate exam - ✔✔digital begin at age 40 and PSA at age 40 if have family history of prostate cancer or
AA. ALL males 50 years and older should get screening
colorectal screening - ✔✔starting at 50 years old, annual fecal occult blood test, flex sig every 5 years
and colonoscopy every 10 years
Medicare B screening coverage - ✔✔for cervical, breast, prostate, colorectal cancer
top 4 killers of adults in US - ✔✔heart disease, cancer, lower resp disease, CVA
, lung cancer - ✔✔highest cancer mortality in women and men,
primary prevention - ✔✔PROMOTES health PRIOR. healthy diet, exercise, avoiding things
secondary prevention - ✔✔focuses on early identification and treatment of existing problems. includes
REGULAR exams and screening like pap
tertiary prevention - ✔✔rehab and restoration of health
hepatitis A vaccine - ✔✔for military, travelers to endemic areas, men who have sex with men
diabetes screening - ✔✔impaired if FSBS 100-125
diabetes if >126 on two separate occasions
cholesterol screening - ✔✔evaluate serum lipid levels
Total cholesterol <200
Triglycerides <150
HDL 40-60
LDL <100 (<70 if heart disease)
Joint National Committee Classifications (JNC) to treat hypertension - ✔✔AA start of thiazide diuretics,
Ca channel blockers
mitral regurgitation - ✔✔S3 at 5th ICS MCL, musical
TSH >20 - ✔✔weight gain is more likely