pmhnp TesT 2024 ALREADY
Reflexes expected at 1 month - ✔✔Moro until 4 months, Palmer until 4 months, Plantar util 8 months,
Babinski (2 years is disease)
Signs of fetal alcohol syndrome - ✔✔small head, shoey palpebral fissure, inner epicanthal folds. Do IEP
and early intervention specialist
Rhett Syndrome - ✔✔a rare disorder found virtually exclusively in girls, is a neurodevelopmental
disorder in which the child usually develops normally unitl about 6 to 18 months of age at which
characteristics of the syndrome emerge; characteristics include: hypotonia (loss of muscle tone),
reduced eye contact, decelerated head growth, and disinterest in play activities
EPS types - ✔✔Tardive dyskinesia happen after years (eps is a precursor). Acute dystonia (hours),
Parkinsons (weeks), Akathisia (days)
Where do EPS originate - ✔✔nigrostiatal tract.
How does tegretol interact with cipro - ✔✔cipro and erythromycin are inhibitors. Cause increased level
of Tegretol. Black box warning
Tegretol side effects - ✔✔Aplastic anemia, agranulocytosis, steven johnsons, hyponatremia. Watch
with cipro and erythro
nuchal rigidity - ✔✔stiffness in cervical neck area, meningitis
ACE inhibitors - ✔✔-pril, CHF
, signs of serotonin syndrome - ✔✔-shivering
Shits and Shivers
diarrhea, shivering, hyperreflexia/myoclonis, increased temperature, vital sign instability,
encephalopathy, restlessness, sweating
Serotonin Discontinuation Syndrome - ✔✔syndrome caused by abrupt withdrawal of an antidepressant
drug, resulting in sensory disturbances, sleeping disturbances, disequilibrium, flu-like symptoms, dizzy,
vertigo, paresthesia (brain zaps), nausea/vomiting, and gastrointestinal effects
NMS - ✔✔neuroleptic malignant syndrome
*S*evere fever
*C*hanging LOC
*A*utonomic instability
*S*weating and drooling
FEVERS- fever, encephalopathy, vitals instability, elevated white blood cell count/cpk, rigidity
Levels of Prevention - ✔✔Primary: prevent/promotion, classes, safety initiatives, education, classes,
modifying environment
Secondary: screen-early detection, crisis hotlines, disaster
Tertiary: treat- to prevent further deterioration, rehab, restoration, day treatment, social skills