muscle strength, balance improvement and swelling. It can also empower individuals to become
confident and positive about their situation, improving their mental health. Rehabilitation care is
more common for individuals who have diabetes rather than asthma as the side effects and
conditions which arise from it can affect their physical health a lot more. For example, type 2
diabetes and gout are related due to the excess of inflammation and dat. A gout is a form of
inflammatory arthritis, diabetics who have this may find it hard to walk and get places without using
a wheelchair. Rehabilitation care can offer the support and meet their needs by improving exercise,
diet, and muscle movement to reduce the swelling of gout. Epsom and Ewell community Hospital
provides 24hour rehabilitation care, including pain control, occupational therapy, physiotherapy,
and many other services. Due to CHS (the Central Surrey Health) being a non-profit NHS community
healthcare provider, service users who want to be cared for here will not have to pay a fee. This is
extremely beneficial as normally, 24hour care is expensive. It is also useful to note that rehabilitation
care is accessible for children, adults, and the elderly. This ensures that despite the individual and
their differences, everyone can access this care setting. Much like hospital stay, individuals may feel
isolated and alienated from society staying in care for a certain amount of time, although residential
care units offer a range of social activities and group work, many people may miss being with their
family at home. This isolation may lead to negative self-esteem, affecting their progress. (Accessed: April 20, 2023).
Treatment plan processes and care methods
To meet the service users needs, healthcare professionals must produce a plan for the individual.
Which expresses their needs, the type of care they need and how they should receive it. Treatment
plans and care methods are also useful to record any care or treatment given to them, to prevent
any miscommunication or incidents.
Cycle of planning
A cycle plan contains crucial information which is necessary for your treatment plan. It firstly
contains the service users wishes and services they require. Once their needs have been shared to
their healthcare professionals, the individual will be assessed to finalise their support needs and
record it. When the care plan is implemented, there will be an opportunity to evaluate the plan to
see if its suitable for the service user and to see if there’s anything that needs changing. It is also
important to ask the service provider if they believe it has been successful and if it has positively
impacted the individual’s disorder.
, Potential care methods and strategies
Care methods and strategies are the different ways which these care planning cycles can be
delivered. Strategies and methods give ways of how to provide care and the route in which to take.
These care routes will see services users during different stages of their treatment. The three
methods and strategies I will be explaining are Primary care, Secondary care, and Tertiary care.
Primary care- Primary care is the first point of contact between the service user and healthcare
professional. It focuses on caring for the individual to discover the cause of their illness and deciding
next steps. This type of healthcare is usually provided by GPs, pharmacists, dentists, and clinics.
These healthcare professionals treat a wide range of disorders rather than specialist care. Primary
care may result in being referred to secondary or tertiary care depending on the service users needs. (Accessed: April 21, 2023).
Secondary care- Secondary care occurs when individuals are referred by primary care professionals
for specialist services. Specialist care offer service users detailed support and knowledge catered to
their disorder. This method provides specific expertise and will focus on either a system or part of
the body. Common healthcare professionals found in secondary care include cardiologists,
oncologists, and endocrinologists.
Tertiary care- Tertiary care highly provides specialist care which requires further support just than
specialists. Tertiary care is mostly found in hospitals, particularly intensive care, where there is highly
specialised equipment and senior health care professionals. Complex procedures are carried out at
this level therefore it may be suggested that individuals are transferred here to receive the best
possible care for their condition e.g. burn treatment. According to Very Well health, studies show
that despite many individuals being sent to tertiary care, chronic conditions (diabetes etc) must keep
in touch with their primary care provider to maintain your care plan.
(Accessed: April 21, 2023).
Diabetes case study
Ben, a 30-year-old businessman, was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 2 years ago. Ben lives on his
own in a flat on the 30th floor. His mother and father only live 30 minutes away however he doesn’t
drive and finds it difficult to go visit them. Ben also suffers with obesity, his poor diet and lack of
exercise has caused him to suffer, which was the root source of his diabetes. His diet contains high
levels of carbohydrates, sugar, and fatty foods. He also drinks lots of fizzy drinks. Diabetes is a
common condition within Bens family as his mother also suffers with it. Ben still works; however, he
has had to work from home for the past 6 months due to the struggle he has getting into work every
day. Ben went to his GP 2 years ago after experiencing increased thirst, frequent urination, and
blurred vision. Bens GP wanted to do routine checks to investigate if he has diabetes. After a A1C
test, it was confirmed that he has type 2 diabetes and was prescribed with metformin for the near
foreseeable future. Since then, Ben has failed to manage his diabetes by not taking his medication
and not taking advice on lifestyle changes. Due to this, his weight has increase, making him
vulnerable to many chronic complications.
Assessing the care needs of Ben
Physical- Bens’ diabetes has a big impact on his physical care as well as his obesity. To get in better
shape to improve his health and blood sugar levels, service providers should help him to reach the
physical care needs he requires. For example, his diet, physical activity, and blood glucose levels.