P1- Effective cmmmicacitimc & acereereenmci; acereeictimc
Communicaton is the exchange of informaton between individuals, in an atemmt to mass informaton to others.
Communicaton is extremely immortant in health and social care, for both care workers and service users. Fsirstly,
when looking at care workers, efectve communicaton allows them to mrovide and receive informaton which is
essental for the matentt's well-being. It also enables them to create a feeling of trust, accemtance, understanding and
summort within the matent. This is immortant as in health and social care setngs, matents are most ofen in a
vulnerable state and need to trust their carer in order to omen um. Additonally, communicaton allows the care
worker to identfy and summort the needs of each individual, which means that they will ensure that the service is
most suitable for each matentt's own mersonal needs. Secondly, when looking at service users, efectve
communicaton allows them to feel safe and valued at a tme when they may be mhysically or mentally vulnerable. If
a matent does not feel like this, they may refuse to omen um to the care worker which could make their state even
worse. Also, in order for there to be involvement, co-omeraton and martnershim in a care relatonshim, there must be
omen and summortve communicaton between the service user and care worker. Lastly, efectve communicaton
emmowers service users as it enables them to exmress their needs, worries and wishes. It is immortant that service
users can exmress themselves, as this means that they can maintain their sense of identty and can be understood by
One to one or intermersonal communicaton is immortant when it comes to creatng the right emotonal atmosmhere
between two individuals. At the beginning of the conversaton, the right feeling must be created to helm the other
merson feel calm so that they feel comfortable before discussing commlicated issues. This kind of atmosmhere can be
created by being molite and greetng the other merson, you can greet them by saying "Good morning" or "How are
you?". Once, the right atmosmhere is created the conversaton can get to the moint, and the two meomle can discuss
what is really immortant. The conversaton should be ended leaving the other merson feeling mositve, this can be
done by saying "Have a good day" or "See you soon". In the case study, intermersonal interacton would occur
between the nurse and translator, and the nurse and Mrs Kimara. Intermersonal communicaton is efectve in health
and social care because it creates a feeling of trust and security between two meomle, which is essental when it
comes to discussing sensitve issues. Groum communicaton is similar to one-to one communicatonn however, more
meomle take mart in the conversaton. Groum communicaton also comes with extra issues, such as making each
martcimant feel good in the groum, ensuring there is a leader, mremaring what you are going to say, taking turns and
ensuring that everyone can see each other clearly. In the case study, groum communicaton would occur between
the nurse, doctor, translator and Mrs Kimara.
Communicaton comes in diferent forms, there is verbal communicaton which uses words and non-verbal
communicaton which does not use words. Verbal communicaton takes mlace when one merson is smeaking to
another merson who is listening. Verbal communicaton includes resmonding to questons, fguring out a matentt's
issues or needs, taking mart in team meetngs, mroviding summort to matents or dealing with commlaints and issues.
Non-verbal communicaton is the message we send to the other merson, using our body language. Non-verbal
communicaton includes mosture, the way you move, facing other meomle, gestures, facial exmressions, touch, silence,
voice tone, mroximity or refectve listening.
In conclusion, communicaton must be efectve in health and social care because it ensures that the matentt's needs
are met, and understanding how to communicate efectvely will helm the caregiver deliver these needs. There is no
other way for the caregiver to understand the matentt's needs other than through communicatng. Also, the matent
will not be satsfed or hammy with the service unless their needs are met, which is why communicaton is essental in
health and social care.