Unit 20 – Assignment 2
Under a microscope, tissues and cells are studied in histology. Histopathologists evaluate
tissue distribution and cell shape regularities visually to assess the degree of malignancy
and determine whether certain tissue regions are cancerous. In order to make a
diagnosis, cytology involves looking at cells from bodily fluids or tissues. The technician
searches for cancerous or precancerous alterations in cells when performing a cancer
screening. Precancerous cells are those that display abnormal characteristics but do not
necessarily develop into cancer.
Type of Histology Method of How is the sample Why might this
sample or removal stored and sample be taken?
cytology transported?
Cervical Cytology A sample of cells Keep the If the result is
Smear from the cervix preserved positive, the sample
are taken for this specimen at room is examined for
test. temperature or HPV. If any
refrigerate (2- abnormal cells are
8ºC). found, a biopsy is
taken using a
colposcopy so that a
tissue sample can
be examined.
Colposcopy Cytology The abnormal Your doctor might To find cancerous or
cells will be take a tiny sample potentially
removed, which of tissue from the cancerous cells in
typically entails suspicious area the cervix, vagina,
removing a and send it to the or vulva, a
portion of the lab for analysis. colposcopy is
cervix the size of performed.
a fingertip.
Excisional or Histology Excisional frozen in a Excisional biopsies
incisional biopsy: the container or bag are used to both
biopsy surgeon makes a with formalin to confirm a cancer
skin incision to preserve the cells. diagnosis and
completely remove a tumor
remove the during the same
tumor or lymph procedure.
, node.
A mole that is Currently, incisional
abnormal could biopsies are advised
be the tumor for the
Incisional biopsy diagnosis of large
- a small part of a tumors in facial,
large tumor is mucosal, and acral
removed. locations.
Post Mortem Histology An opening is For a variety of Give pertinent
made in the postmortem details about how,
deceased tissues and when, and why
person's body antemortem someone died.
during the samples,
procedure, and particularly urine,
the organs are disposable plastic
taken out for containers are
analysis. frequently used.
Lumbar Cytology The cerebral at room A lumbar puncture
puncture spinal fluid is temperature can be used to
(spinal tap) taken out via during the pre- identify serious
lumbar processing period infections like
puncture. The immediately meningitis, as well
patient's following sample as other central
condition can collection nervous system
then be diseases like
determined by Guillain-Barre
examining the syndrome and
cells in the fluid. multiple sclerosis,
bleeding, and brain
or spinal cord
Aspirate Cytology The removal of 4°C in a liquid To identify and help
fluid or tissue transport medium treat joint disorders,
from a body (LTM) joint aspiration may
cavity, cyst or be used.
tumour through eg., Gout .
a needle