BTEC Level 3 Natonal in
Unit 2: Developing a Marketng Campaign
Document: ‘Sample Marking & Grading Material’ and
‘Example Previous Student Work’
,General Marking Guidance
All learners must receive the same treatment. Examiners must mark the
first learner in exactl the same aa as the mark the last.
Marking grids should be applied positvel . earners must be reaarded
for ahat the have shoan the can do rather than be penalised for
Examiners should mark accordingl to the marking grid, not according to
their percepton of ahere the grade boundaries ma lie.
All marks on the mark grid should be used appropriatel .
The Marking Informaton folloas on the next page.
,Actvity 1: Tve Raatonale
Acvieving a Pass Mark – Equivalent to A Level ‘E’ Grade
Structure: The Ratonale must have a basic structure. The student must have
attempted to appl relevant marketng principles and concepts. sses of limited
marketng terminolog should be found.
Marketng Aims & Objectves: earner should provide relevant marketng aims
and objectves aith limited development and explanaton. All development
should be relevant to context.
Raesearcv and Analysis of Market Informaton: References aill be made to the:
Case Stud , Independent Research, Wider Business Anal sis, Market and
Compettors. Hoaever as it is onl a aass piece of aork it aill lack relevance to
the context in places.
An interpretaton of reliabilit and validit of the research is attempted,
demonstratng a basic grasp of the concepts and their relevance in context.
Anal tcal approach leads to conclusions being provided hoaever the ma be
generic or ma lack balance or relevance.
Justficaton: An evaluaton aill be presented folloaing evidence of anal tcal
tools being used. Consideraton of ‘appropriateness’ of the justficaton aill
also be attempted.
, Acvieving a Merit Mark – Equivalent to A Level ‘C’ Grade
Structure: The Ratonale has a logical structure and applies a variet of
relevant marketng principles and concepts. All aould be achieved ahile
simultaneousl using relevant marketng terminolog .
Marketng Aims & Objectves: earner ratonalises relevant marketng aims
and objectves aith clear development / anal sis to context. All development
should be relevant to context.
Raesearcv and Analysis of Market Informaton: References aill be made to the:
Case Stud , Independent Research, Wider Business Anal sis, Market and
Compettors. Hoaever as it is a Merit piece of aork it ma potentall lack
relevance to the context in places, ahoever the room for error is much smaller
than aith the pass mark.
An interpretaton of reliabilit and validit of the research is present and
demonstrates a good understanding of the concepts and their relevance in this
Detailed Anal tcal approach leads to conclusions ahich are both relevant and
balanced aith a justfiable conclusion.
Justficaton: An evaluaton aill be presented folloaing evidence of anal tcal
tools being used. All of this aill be used to lead to a coherent justfied
evaluaton. Appropriateness ratonale has a logical structure and applies a
variet of relevant marketng principles and concepts. sses of relevant
marketng terminolog is obvious.