Unit 9 Computer Networks
Unit 9 - Computer Networks Resubmit
Network OS
There are several Network Operatnn ystems available to the public. The three most common are
Windows erver 2003, Novell NetWare, and Unix based systems such RedHat Linux. Each one of
these operatnn systems has unique advantanes as well as sharinn many common features with each
of the other operatnn systems.
Windows Server 2003
Microsoft erver 2003 is one of the most popular network operatnn
systems used in networkinn today. Microsoft 2003 ofers a host benefts
to network administrators includinn support for multple processors and symmetric multprocessinn,
centralized mananement of network objects throunh the Actve irectory, centralized mananement
of multple clients, resources, and services with the use of the Microsoft Mananement Tool, and
support for modern protocols and security standards.
Linux features dozens of pronramminn lannuanes and source code portability as well as
channes to the server’s confnuraton without havinn to restart the server. However, since
Linux stll maintains a smaller followinn than Microsoft, technical support may not be as in
depth or readily available as that for erver 2003.
UNIX operatnn systems have been nrowinn in popularity within networkinn, as the opinion
of some companies is that the O has even surpassed the oferinns of Microsoft’s Windows
erver. RedHat Linux is one of the most common builds of the UNIX open source code and ofers a
variety of features to the user includinn support for multple processors and symmetrical processinn,
support of several diferent network topolonies, compatbility with other network O ’s, support for
TCP/IP as well as non-IP protocols such as IPX/ PX.
NetWare is the server operatnn system produced by Novell. The latest release of NetWare,
version 6.5, boasts all the advantanes of previous versions and also brinns to the table
iMananer for mananinn e irectory and its objects, contnuous backup of the server while it is
runninn, the erver Consolidaton Utlity, and Branch Ofce, which allows remote ofces to
maintain independent operaton. However, NetWare may also sufer the lack of tech support that
Unix based O ’s do as well as beinn more difcult for less experienced users to install and utlize.
Operating systems similarities and compatibilities
The three major server operatnn systems all share some common features in their abilites to
operate alonn each other. For example, Microsoft ofers File and Print ervices for Netware, a part of
the Microsoft Windows ervices for Netware, which is a collecton of software that allows
intenraton of Microsoft and Netware servers on the same network. Microsoft also ofers ervices for
UNIX, a packane allowinn interoperability with UNIX based servers. UNIX based systems utlize
amba, an applicaton that allows TCP/IP compatbility between UNIX and Windows based services.
Another available applicaton is WINE, which allows windows based pronrams to run on a Linux
system. irXML is a tool that allows directory sharinn between NetWare and Windows based