BTEC L3 National Extended Diploma in Computing
Unit 14, Unit 16, Unit 17
Design, Develop and Review
Reflection and Re-submission Request
Learner Name
Assessor Name
Qualification Title BTEC - L3 IT Extended Diploma in Computing
Unit Title Unit 14 – Computer Game Design
Unit 16 – Object Oriented Programming (Part 1)
Unit 17 – Mobile App Development
Assignment 14.2 – Design and Develop a Computer Game to Meet Client
No./Title Requirements
16.2 – Design and Develop Object Oriented Solutions to Identified
Problems (Part 1 of 2)
17.2 – Design and Develop a Mobile App
Learning Aims B: Design a Computer Game/Mobile App/Object Oriented Solution to
Meet Client Requirements
C: Develop a Computer Game/Mobile App/Object Oriented Solution to
Meet Client Requirements
Issue Date 12/10/2022
Planned Submission
Re-submission Date
(if approved)
Feedback Provided online in the form of rubric, comments, and general feedback.
Reflection Once you receive feedback, you should reflect on your performance using
the reflection document. This should be recorded on your ProPortal.
--> ILP --> 3. My Learner Reflections
SMART You should regularly set SMART Actions/Targets on your ProPortal.
Actions/Targets --> ILP --> 4. My SMART Actions
Evidence of proof-reading and improving the quality of communication of your work using
Microsoft Editor
Print screen of Microsoft Editor Print screen of Microsoft Editor Print screen of Microsoft Editor
before improvements after improvements (1) after improvements (2)
Re-sub if required
, BTEC L3 National Extended Diploma in Computing
Unit 14, Unit 16, Unit 17
Design, Develop and Review
Client Requirements
With reference to the “Client Requirements” document, write a detailed report outlining how you will
meet the requirements of the client
What does this document contain? What is the purpose of the task? What have you been asked to
do? Who are you developing the game for? (use the user requirements document)
This document (client brief) contains all the specific client requirements needed to create this
mobile application – a game. The purpose of this task that I am assigned to is to create a mobile
game, (a mod of flappy bird) for android devices with a target audience of age 5 and over. This
document outlines all the objectives, and requirements needed to develop this game. This can
include but is not limited to quality assurance requirements which will involve various testing
methods and detailed design documentation which will enable other developers to add/create a
similar program. Plus, other game objectives, such as an instruction screen, game screen, controls,
scoring system etc.
To create a mobile game for android devices that is similar to flappy bird.
To engage as many people as possible so that they buy it and make us money and build
Target Audience
gender, age, interests etc.
Not aimed at a specific gender.
Aimed at age 5 and over who have access to Android devices.
Target Platform/Medium
Phone (android/iOS, input methods
Mobile devices – Android OS.
Not iOS because it has to be verified and perhaps even charged for, whereas on the play store it
can be easily uploaded without any of this tedious process and it doesn’t get charged as well.
Programming Languages
Including add-ons – Unity etc.
For this project I will be using Photoshop throughout to create both the graphical assets of the
game and for the programming of those assets I will be using Unity to make them interactive.
The programming languages used in Unity for this would be C#.
Perhaps testing in Visual Studio to avoid any mix-up of code which could lead to confusion.
Main menu, high score etc. – should be based on the user requirements. This should be a numbered
, Quality Assurance Requirements: -
1. Detailed Design Documentation which is detailed enough to allow other developers to fully
develop a program without further assistance.
2. Development Documentation to be detailed enough to allow other developers to maintain/add
features without further assistance.
3. Various Testing methods to be documented and used at all stages of design and development -
User Feedback, Normal Testing, Extreme Testing, Erroneous Testing.
Game Requirements
1. GUI (Graphical User Interface) Menu System.
2. Instruction Screen.
3. Game Screen
4. One Playable character/Non NPC.
With automatic controls such as: A) Character appearing to move left to right constantly.
B) Gravity
C) Manual User (Input) Controls such as touch screen.
1. Objects which the character has to avoid in order to score.
2. Game ending when the character collides with these objects
3. Scoring System
4. Game over with score display.
Other Desirable but not Compulsory Objectives
Menu Options to choose from different characters and themes + game difficulty level.
Development Methodology, Model and Time Scale
Choice of development methodologies and models with justification
Agile Development Methodology; Scrum model; twenty-one weeks for final version.
I’m opting for an agile development methodology instead of the traditional methodologies
because an agile methodology to move between different stages and revisit a stage if needed; to
allow free movement between the whole product; from programming to creating graphics.
Whereas, in a traditional methodology such as the Waterfall method, it wouldn’t allow for
revisiting fast if needed, and in such a project (which is small and is my first one) where frequent
changings are at high risk, it wouldn’t be reasonable as it would waste a lot of time.
Other than this there are a variety of reasons why I’m opting for agile over traditional
methodologies, such as: -
- Simplicity: Meaning to go with the approach of “what is the simplest, functional
deliverable that will work?” The purpose of this is to avoid wasting time and do only the
most necessary, including keeping the design and system as simple as possible so that it is
easier to support, maintain and revise if needed. This also means just working on the
requirements that I know about, not trying to predict the future. The requirements can
change and they can be quickly worked upon without having to wait. Furthermore, this
allows for simultaneous development between different stages and this will save a lot of
time which is crucial for this project with a limited time and other constraints.
- Several Incremental releases which are called Sprints. These sprints are repeated
increments of all the stages which each time reduces the time.
Gantt Chart
,Legal and Ethical Considerations/Constraints
Copyright, age restrictions etc.
There is no age restriction for the game, but it is recommended for 5+ years old children.
There isn’t going to be any content that will break copyright laws, as most of the content will be
, Hardware and Software Requirements
I am using my college’s 64 bit Windows Operating System Windows 10 PC. It has a 16 GB Ram
with a 3070 NVIDIA GeForce RTX.
I will use Unity to design my game, Visual Studio to code in the C# language, and MS Project to
monitor, manage and make changes to my project timeline
Game Proposal
Write a detailed game proposal to be presented to the board of directors. The proposal should use
technical language and detail all aspects of the game.
Single Player
The game is going to be a single-player styled game (like Flappy bird) but you will have multiple
characters to choose from, however you can only play with one character at a time.
Visual Style
The visual style of the game is going to be a simple 2D from the side (Third person/ Side Scroller)
and the character will be gliding through the map using his omni directional mobility gear. (ODM
This concept is inspired from a popular Japanese anime series called the Attack on Titan. In this
anime series Titans* attack humans and humans have to fight them back in order to survive. In
the game the character is stuck at the earliest stage of the anime where they are sealed in; Wall
After each level they will get closer to getting outside the walls and discovering what’s outside the
walls. That’s the first part of this game. If I decide to make a second part of the game then I will
develop on this.