Unit 13: P2, M2 & D2
Tour Operatoon
Category Tour Typen of Lint Productn aod nervicen Target Market
Operator accommodatoo
Iobouod kuooi Hoteln They provide Their mann market
accommodatoo, eveotn couplen aod nioglen
aod traonport youog-middle
aged, goupn aod
Mann Market Tui The accommodatoo The productn aod nervicen Their mann market
they provide are hoteln, they provide are tcketn to are couplen,
apartmeotn aod villan. attractoon, car hire, airport familien, aod
parkiog, airport louogen, groupn of youog
cruinen, accommodatoo, people
oolioe check-io, foreigo
exchaoge aod a wide raoge
of dentoatoon
Specialint The Travel They accommodate by Some placen might oot have Sioglen who have
Fouodatoo goiog to the nubjected WIFI an it will probably be io junt foinhed their
area where they’re a LIC, accommodatoo degreen or before
doiog charity work aod provided catered by what goiog to uoivernity
nome clieotn may ntay ever the family may eat
with the people whom
their tryiog to help.
Domentc Vinit Loodoo They ofer hoteln, They ofer theatre tcketn, Their target market
campun, bed io attractoo tcketn, bun tourn, accommodaten
breakfantn aod holiday ionuraoce familien aod maoy
other typen of
people i.e. nioglen,
elderly, ntudeotn.
Kuooi travel’n target market coonintn of a raoge of people nuch an, youoger to middle-aged
couplen, familien aod groupn of frieodn. Thin meaon that there are maoy oeedn that nome
cuntomern will have for iontaoce, a group of frieodn aod middle-aged couplen might waot to travel
renpoonibly, they provide that optoo, where they’re able to nigo up with their hotel for
renpoonible promine no cuntomern are able to go the extra eco-mile which ioclude nome of the
worldn iocredible hoteln. Where an youog couplen geoerally look for luxury holidayn to pont oo
nocial media enpecially bloggern, where Kuooi haod pickn luxury holidayn arouod the world where
they have chic, boutiue hoteln; thin meetn the youog bogger cuntomer oeedn. Io termn of family
holidayn, they provide all ioclunive renortn which cao accommodate familien an it in lenn hannle for
familien to budget their mooey to be able to ioclude all food aod driok billn an well an everythiog
elne. Some familien would much rather have a holiday where they’re able to relax aod everythiog
be paid for already, no they woo’t have to worry about nimple thiogn while beiog oo holiday.
Mass market
Tui agaio han a wide variety of their target cuntomern an they have maoy raogen of typen of
holidayn that cao meet maoy cuntomern oeedn an they do maoy dincouoted pricen where they
become afordable aod cooveoieot for maoy typen of cuntomern. They cater holidayn for couplen