P2 – Assess own knowledge, skills, practce, alles, beliefs and career aspiratons aa
saara of programme
In this assignment, I will be assessing my own knowledge, skills, practce, values, beliefs, and career aspiratons at the
start of the programme. I will also discuss the strengths and weaknesses of my experience so far in relaton to my
career goals.
Knowledge; Before I started the health and social care Level 3 course I already had some knowledge on
some of the topics that I will be studying. I had knowledge on psychology and sociology. This is because I
have already studied psychology and sociology A-Level. Also, I have an interest in psychology, so sometmes I
would do my own research. Furthermore, I already had knowledge on the diferent careers that I could go
into in psychology. For example, I could be a psychiatrist, which is someone who diagnoses patents with
mental illnesses and prescribes medicaton. However, this requires a medical degree which takes many years
of studying so I wasn't sure if I wanted to do that. There are also other kinds of psychologists such as child
psychologists, clinical psychologists or medical psychologists. This will help me decide what specifc career I
wanted to go into.
Skills; I believe I have many skills which will help me move towards my career goals. I have the ability to
communicate efectvely which is essental for a psychologist. I am able to work with others in a team which
is important for health and social care because you will be working with patents, their relatves, and other
staf. I have good research skills because I am able to research the career that I want to go into, and I can
also collect the right informaton in order to complete my coursework. However, I need to work on my
personal skills such a tme management. This is a big issue because in this course I will be required to
complete and hand in course work by a specifc date, or I will only be able to get a pass. I can improve my
tme management skills by getng a diary where I can note down all my deadlines so that I will not forget
about them.
Practce; I have had some practce in relaton to my career goals at the beginning of the course. I have
helped out with an afer-school club at a primary school as part of my enrichment at my previous 6 th form,
where I played with the children and helped out with their classwork or homework. I also have experience in
caring for ill relatves or looking afer younger siblings, which relates to health and social care. Furthermore, I
will be doing work experience throughout the course which will help me gain the necessary skills to become
a good psychologist. I want to fnd work experience at a nursery or primary school, as I would like to work
with children in the future. I am hoping to gain new skills from this experience, such as the ability to
communicate with children, patence, initatve and leadership.
Valles and beliefs; Values and beliefs are personal moral and ethical beliefs which infuence how we think,
behave and what kind of person we are. These are ofen infuenced by the people around us and our
experiences which will change throughout our lives. For example, one of my beliefs and values is that
everyone is equal. London is a very diverse city which means I have grown up around many diferent people
in terms of race, sexuality, religion or culture. Most of my friends and people I associate with are diferent to
me, which has shown me that we are all human, we are all equal, and we all deserve to be treated with
respect regardless of what we look like, our culture or where we come from. This is a very important value
and belief to have when working in health and social care setngs because you will be dealing with many
diferent individuals and you have to give all of them the same care.
Career aspiratons; My career aspiraton is to become a child clinical psychologist. This is because I have
always been interested in how the human mind works and I would l would like to fnd out more about it. I
would also like to help people who have mental health issues, as this is a huge issue nowadays with the lives
that we are living. The main reason for this is social media and technology as a lot of people are on their
phones rather than having face-to-face interactons which can cause them to feel lonely and they may fall
into depression. Also, a lot of social media is fake as most people only show the good parts of their lives