P3 - Produce an acton pan for sepf-devepo ment and achievement of own ersonap goaps
Action required Who will do Priority Expected Comments Actual
this? (You, (High, Completio Finish
Tutor) Medium, n Date Completio
Low) n Date
Work hard on coursework, my goal is to get Myself High July 2018 In order to achieve this target, I will
a distinction on at least units/ manage my time eeter/ For example, I will
start my coursework as soon as it is set
and I will do a lietle every day, instead of
doing it right efore it is due/ This will
ensure that I will get more time to
complete the work, meaning that I will not
get so stressed y it and I will e a le to
work more efciently/ Also, I will set
myself goals as to how much coursework I
want to complete each day/ For instance, I
might set myself a goal to complete half of
an assignment in one day, and the other
half the next day/
Find a part-time o / Myself Medium March 2018 In order to achieve this target, I will hand
out my CV's to diferent shopsscompanies/
I will also apply for an online o searching
we site, so that I can receive e-mails every
time there is an availa le o in my area/
This target has a medium priority, ecause
I am trying to focus on college right now,
and I think that having a o and going to
college at the same time would e too
stressful for me/ However, I will start