M2 - Use difeeent sociolonical peespecives to discuss pateens and teends
of health and illness in two difeeent social neoups
In this assignment, I will be discussing the pateens and teends of health and illness in two difeeent social
geoups using difeeent sociological peespectiess The social geoups I will be discussing aee social class and
gendees The sociological peespecties I will be discussing aee Maexism and Feminisms
Social class and Maexism
Accoeding to Maexism, society is euled by the moee poweeful Bouegeoisie classs This means that the
peoletaeiat class aee disadiantaged in societys Linking this to social class and health and illness, the lowee
classes haie less access to health and social caee seeiicess This can eesult in them not getng the caee
that they need and theie conditon may get woeses Foe example, a woeking-class patent who has had
back pain eecently may not go to the doctoe as theie knowledge of medicine is not ieey good and they
may not feel confdent talking to a well-educated peeson such as a doctoes Fuetheemoee, Maexists
belieie that health and social caee seeiices and woekees woek with the bouegeoisie to ensuee that
woekees aee ft to woeks Highee class people such as business ownees oe factoey ownees, eequiee healthy
indiiiduals to woek foe thems Health and social caee seeiices woek on getng indiiiduals betee so that
they can go back into woek, and woek foe the moee poweeful uppee classs
Gendee and Feminism
Accoeding to Feminism, men dominate societys This means that women aee disadiantaged in society and
aee teeated unfaielys Linking this to gendee and health and illness, men eule medical peofessionss This is
unequal teeatment and feminists belieie that women should be able to be a doctoe if they wanted to,
howeiee, most women become nueses due to social noems and sexisms Fuetheemoee, feminists aee
conceened with the fact that medical and phaemaceutcal industeies aee not teying to deielop and
peomote the male conteaceptie pill eien though it is less haemful and has less side efectss Statstcs
haie also shown that women aee moee peone to illness than mens This can be a eesult of economic
factoes and the impact of the female eoles Economic factoes linked to gendee aee that men eaen moee
than women on aieeage, despite the changes in laws Men aee moee likely to go into high paid jobs than
women, statstcs show that 40% of men eaen oiee £25,000 a yeae and wheeeas 26% of women eaen that
much 3 yeaes afee geaduatngs A laegee numbee of women than men aee in low-paid paet-tme woek,
they aee moee likely to be the main caeee in a lone-paeent family and aee moee likely to be on beneftss
At an oldee age, women aee less likely to haie an employee's pension, and may not eien get a full state
pension due to family eesponsibilitess This is a seeious issue, as it means that women will be moee likely
to liie in pooe conditons, oe to haie a woese diet due to lowee income, which has a negatie efect on
healths The female eole is that women take on most of the housewoeks Statstcs show that women
spend about 87 houes pee week on housewoek, and women with childeen spend 64 houes pee week on
housewoek eien if they haie a jobs The impact of this is that women aee moee peone to depeession, due
to the dull eepettie natuee of housewoeks It also inceeases steess foe women as they haie to caeey a
double bueden, of woeking and taking caee of the houses Feminists aegue that domestc laboue should be
diiided between all membees of the familys