Fitness Testing and Training for the Uniformed Public Services
Fitness tests, components of ftness nd methods of ftness tr ining
Entr nce requirements for three diferent public services 1
HM Prison Service: Individu ls who wish to be prison ofcer must t ke ftness ssessment s p rt of n
ssessment d y. The ssessment is m de up of fve tests, including grip strength test, 15m bleep test,
dyn mic strength test, speed gility run, nd shield test. A grip strength test is conducted by the c ndid te
holding dyn mometer bove their he d. They then lower their rm to their side, squeezing the device s
h rd s they c n. A re ding is then t ken from the di l. The 15m bleep test, otherwise known s multist ge
ftness test, is conducted by the c ndid te running shutles between the m rkers in tme to set of bleeps.
They progress through levels, fnishing either when they c nnot contnue nymore, or when they c nnot
complete the shutle in tme to the bleep tot l of three tmes. To p ss, the c ndid te must fnish with score
of 5.4. The dyn mic strength test involves completng set of upper body pulls nd pushes to ssess the
c ndid te’s strength. They then move on to tempt the speed gility test, where the c ndid te must move s
quickly s they c n between obst cles, ch nging directon to complete the course. Fin lly, there is the shield
test, which involves st nding in st tc positon with 6kg shield nd completng control nd restr int tests.
The Royal Marines: Joining the Roy l M rines me ns entering n extremely physic lly dem nding c reer.
Therefore, very high st nd rd of ftness is required, so s well s h ving to complete the Potent l Roy l
M rines Course, c ndid tes must lso p ss preijoining ftness test. This test consists of two 2.4km runs on
tre dmill t n incline of two degrees. The frst run must be completed in 12 minutes 30 or under, nd the
second run must be completed in 10 minutes 30 or under. If the c ndid te is successful, they m y dv nce to
the Potent l Roy l M rines Course. This course is three d y ch llenge, including ss ult courses, shootng,
interviews nd ftness tests. Swimming tests re lso conducted s the m rines re w terborne fghtng
force. The fve ftness tests th t must be completed re three mile run, gym test 1, swimming test, n
ss ult course, nd gym test 2. The three mile run is conducted in two h lves; 1.5 miles is run s squ d in 12
minutes 30, nd the rem ining 1.5 miles is run individu lly nd must be completed in 10 minutes 30 or under.
The frst gym test consists of bleep test (where level 13 gives m ximum points), pressiups (60 in 2 minutes
for m ximum points), sitiups (80 in 2 minutes for m ximum points) nd pulliups (6 for m ximum score).
Next, the c ndid te must complete the swimming test, where they re required to jump or dive from bo rd
nd swim two lengths of bre ststroke un ided. The ss ult course involves completng high obst cle course
designed to test determin ton, te mwork, commitment nd st min . The fn l gym test is comprised of
individu l nd te m t sks to test te mwork nd le dership. E ch t sk l sts 3 minutes.
P ge 160 Public Services Book 1, Edexcel