Review the success of a business event
Altogether, I believe our event (The Salvation Army Fayre) was a success. One of the reasons
for the event being successful is the fact that there were only a few minor mishaps during the
running of the event that didn’t cause or prevent the event from running smoothly. At first
our stall was covering the nearest fire exit, however after realising this, we moved the
stall away from the fire exit. The reason we had to move the stall was because if there
was a fire, our stall would cause queues and pile ups as it was blocking the fire exit and
this would be very dangerous for event attendees. Another reason our event was
successful was because we had met our set objectives which was to raise a sufficient
amount of money for the Salvation Army charity. As an aim, we were looking to make a
profit of around £100 at the bare minimum which we thought was suitable due to
where our stall would be located as well as the type of merchandise we were having on
offer. By the end of the event we made £91.17 for charity which even though wasn’t the
figure we were hoping for, it was close to our aim of raising £100. Altogether, the event
was extremely successful as all groups together managed to raise a total of over £500
for charity. In future, we could improve the planning of the event which could
potentially help us to reach this aim better. Another reason our event was successful
was because of the risk assessment we had in place. This risk assessment ensured that
none of the event attendees or event staff were hurt. We had health and safety
equipment such as fire extinguishers and first aid kits at the event as well as a trained
first aider all which were provided by Macmillan Academy. The risk assessment in place
prevented risks from occurring during the event so no first aid equipment was needed to be
used or first aider to arrive on the scene. The event was also successful due to the amount of
planning that went into it beforehand. We had contingency plans in place so that any
problems that arose during the event were quickly sorted without wasting time, thankfully no
problems arose during the running of the event however if they did, we would have had a
planned solution to them. The event was also successful because everyone co-operated well
and there were no arguments between team members; everyone knew what needed to be done
and when it needed to be done in order to achieve objectives easily. Although the academy
did not assist us with start-up costs, we managed to place our own funds into the event. We
originally had a planned car wash to raise funds for the event however there was no time to
do this at the end so we had to fall back onto our contingency plan of placing our own money
into start-up costs for the event. The event’s success was further emphasised through the
feedback provided from both students and teachers who had attended at the end of the event.
Nearly all attendees were satisfied with the running of the event and what was on offer. I was
the leader of our team and allocated tasks to members of my team. For example, I had
assigned Hamza and Nomaan to organise the booking of the event whilst myself and Amer
organised what merchandise we would be selling as well as the resources we would need
(tables for stalls). I supported the event by ensuring that everything was done on time, such as
getting the start-up costs, booking the venue and getting the float and other resources ready.
Evaluate how a business event can inform future planning
The prices we had set on the merchandise we were selling and raffle tickets were reasonable
as agreed upon by event attendees through event questionnaire’s, however in the future we
could think about lowering these prices in order to attract a larger number of sales.
Furthermore, during the running of the event, we found that some people weren’t prepared
for the event and were unaware of what was happening in terms of what was being sold and