Task 2 (M4)
Iman boukjija zamani
1) Identify the stains of your bacteria colony - gram positive or negative and
describe why.
The next picture was taken by me, i
identified, that it is a gram positive
bacteria because:
Gram negative has a complex cell
wall, and gram positive has a
simple one, by looking at the
picture, we can't really observe the
cell wall of the bacteria, but we can
see how the one that i'm observing
has a thinner one.
Also gram negative usually appears
as a pink colour when tinted, while
gram positive, appears blue, or
purple which is the one that i'm
Staphylococcus albus
The next picture, which was taken by me, is a sample of
Staphylococcus albus observed under the light of a microscope,
and which i identifies as gram negative, the cell wall of this type of
pathogens, it is not very visible under this type of microscopes,
but i could definitely tell how the surrounding on this second
picture was less opaque, this means that the cell wall is very
simple in this pathogen, also the second and more obvious thing
is that it is clearly pink, while e-coli has a more purple colour.