Explain the effects of three different types of dementia on the mental and
physical health of individuals who have the condition.
A holistic approach is important with someone with dementia as they have
a range of needs that have to be covered. To help them with the transition
of not having carers or support workers in their home or them being
moved to a care home, an advocate can be provided to see their wishes,
needs and circumstances. “Marchione, 2016”
The 3 types of dementia are Lewy Body, Frontotemporal Dementia and
Vascular dementia. Lewy Body has physical effects on an individual.
“Gregory, 2000”
The individual may start fainting and may fall often than usual, may have
dysphagia (so they may have swallowing problems), their muscles may be
rigid(If their muscles are rigid, it may stop them from doing certain
activities they could do before on their own like difficulty walking, sitting
upright) uncontrollable shaking so meaning that they may be shaking
constantly that it cannot be stopped. “Campbell, 2003”
Mentally, the person may have problems with their thinking as it would
affect their thinking so their process of thinking may be slow that the
individual when asked a question may not respond as quickly as someone
without Lewy Body, during the later stage they may lose their memory,
which can change their moods like they may become confused, then may
after become depressed or fearful if they start losing their memory, they
may be depressed and have anxiety, they may start hallucinating so they
may see or hear things that are not there which may cause them to be
distressed and panic as a result. “Campbell, 2003”
Frontotemporal Dementia can not only effects on the physical health of an
, individual but their mental health as well. The effects it has on their
physical health are the individual the person may have muscle spasms the
person may frequently tap their foot repetitively, their muscles may be
weak so they may have trouble lifting heavy equipment's, poor
coordination which may cause the individual to fall often and hold objects
when walking for balance, and the person may have tremors where their
hands are shaking often which may stopped them from doing fine motor
activities like writing, typing and dressing. “Campbell, 2003”
This dementia can have effects on a person’s mental health as well. They
may have lost the ability to use language properly, show lack of interest to
things they once enjoyed, no longer know the meaning of words, and may
make mistakes in sentence construction. Which can even worsen their
mental health like they may have low self-esteem if they lose that ability to
use language properly and to them it means that they may not be able to
articulate themselves so that others may understand them. This vascular
dementia can have effects on an individual’s physical and dementia. The
effects on the physical aspect of the person are their inability to control
bladder or bowel, and they would have an increasing difficulty with their
daily activities like paying bills, and getting lost on familiar routes, and
there would be changes in their sleep patterns so they may struggle to
sleep. “Campbell, 2003”
The effects of the dementia on the mental health of the individual are they
would start hallucinating, have poor judgement, which can have a negative
consequence for the individual, so they may make poor choices, and loss
of ability to perceive danger, and there may be changes in their personality
so they may become depressed. Also, they have difficulty reading and
writing which may have an impact on their self-esteem. It can cause them
to have low self-esteem. Also, if they have poor judgement, they make
choices that may put their lives in danger. “Gregory, 2000”