Prescribing in Pregnancy
In pregnancy and breast feeding, all drugs (including OTC) must be considered potentally armful unless or untl
proven otherwise.
Prescribes drugs in pregnancy s ould be “tried and tested”
Always use lowest efectie dose
P armacokinetcs in Pregnancy
- Delayed/reduced appearance of PO drug in plasma
o Vomitng (due to B- C))
o Reduced )I motlity (due to progesterone)
o Slower gastric emptying (due to progesterone)
- Increased absorpton from IM drugs (e.g. pet idine)
o Vasodilaton causes increased tssue perfusion
- Total body water increases by 7-8 litres
- Body fat increases by around 4kg
- Fall in plasma albumin by 10-15 gm/l.
- Increased free drug normally bound to albumin
- Increased store of lipid soluble drugs.
- Hepatc metabolism increases Increased eliminaton of liver-excreted drugs (e.g. p enytoin, t eop ylline)
- Renal plasma fow doubles )FR & creatnine clearance increased Increased eliminaton of renally-excreted
drugs (e.g. amoxicillin, LMWH)
Non-p ysiological Factors Interfering wit Medicaton
Intentonal non-compliance by patent for fear of side efects
Incorrect non-prescripton by ealt care professional
Teratogenic Drugs
T roug out Vitamin A (isotretnoin, retnoids) Spontaneous aborton, Microta, CNS defects,
pregnancy Mental retardaton, Craniofacial dysmorp ism, Cardiac defects, Clef lip
Androgens Foetal masculinisaton (late), Labio-scrotal fusion (early), Cliteromegaly
(w eneier)
ACE inhibitors Skull abnormalites, Lung abnormalites, Renal tubular agenesis,
Oligo ydramnios, IU)R (worse in 2nd/3rd trimesters)
ARBs Oligo ydramnios, Hypotension, Renal failure, and IUFD
- Valproate NTD and Facial defects (1 in 10), Deielopmental disorders (1 in 3)
- P enytoin Craniofacial abnormalites, Learning disability, Cardiac defects, Nail and
distal p alangeal ypoplasia, IU)R
- Carbamazepine NTD, Microcep aly, IU)R
Aminoglycoside ANBX (e.g. )entamycin) CN8 damage, Ototoxicity/ earing loss
- Early - Congenital eart disease (Ebstein anomaly)
- Late – )oitre, Kidney and CNS abnormalites
Statns (C olesterol important in foetus) Vertebral, anal and cardiac abnormalites
Tetracycline Toot enamel ypoplasia and yellowing
Thalidomide Bilateral limb defciency, Microta, Cardiac and )I anomalies
- Early - ‘Warfarin embryopat y’ (nasal ypoplasia, stppled bone epip yses, s ort
p alanges, optc atrop y, mental retardaton, microencep aly)
- Late - IU)R, Deielopmental delay, placental abrupton, foetal aemorr age
Early pregnancy Methotrexate Folic acid antagonist NTD
Trimethoprim Folic acid antagonist NTD
- )iie nitrofurantoin for UTIs in 1st and 2nd trimester, or Cephalexin w eneier
Diethyl Stlbestrol (DES) Vaginal adenocarcinoma in adult life (< 9 weeks gestaton)