WGU Web Development Applications - C777 –
332 Questions and Answers – 100% Verified
App - -Relatively small applications developed exclusively for mobile devices
-<nav> - -structure element in HTML5 that includes hypertext menus to
access various pages of the web site
-HTML5 API's - -Create Apps for Mobile Devices
-Web development Trifecta - -HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
-Benefit of developing Web pages using the Web Development Trifecta - -
You can create Web pages that easily adapt to smartphones, tablets, gaming
devices, and smart TVs, as well as to traditional computers
-HTML 4.01 Strict - -required the separation of presentation and content.
Deprecation tags we disallowed and generated validation errors.
-HTML 4.01 Transitional - -allowed developers to insert formatting using
either CSS or traditional layout instructions
-HTML 4.01 Frameset - -Required for pages that used HTML frames, which
placed Web pages inside each other to create separate panes in the browser
-controls="controls" - -<audio> element must have this attribute and value
to incorporate default audio operations.
-Poster Attribute - -Prevents the first frame of the video from displaying
while the video is downloading
-Chrome - -Popular web browser that supports MP3, Ogg, and WAV audio
formats, as well as many others.
-Advantage of using HTML5 APIs when designing Web Pages for mobile
devices - -HTML5 APIs use fewer resources than a proprietary browser plug-
in does, such as battery power and CPU memory.
-Responsive Design - -Your web pages respond to user screen size and work
in multiple environments
-<main> - -Structure element in HTML5 to include content that is directly
related to the subject of the document
,-<header> - -Defines the top of the Web page, similar to the header in the
word-processing document.
-<section> - -defines portions or areas of a document as necessary, such as
a group of articles or images
-<article> - -Defines site content, such as company services, news articles,
blogs, images, videos, tweets, and social networking posts.
-<aside> - -Defines content that is aside from or additional to the main
article content, such as advertisements or news feeds
-<footer> - -Defines the bottom of the Web Page, similar to the footer in a
word-processing document
-Adopting a single W3C standard and apply is consistently to your Web Page
markup - -When you validate you markup, the code will match the DTD
(standard syntax rules) that you specify.
-Cascading Style Sheets - -Enables you to place formatting instructions in
an external text file to determine how HTML elements in a Web page will
-You will be able to troubleshoot code issues when the GUI Web editor fails -
-Importance of understanding what goes on behind the GUI of a Web Editor
-Code validation - -Checking your code to verify that is complies with the
syntax rules of your chosen standard
-Canvas - -HTML5 API that provide a place on a Web page where you can
display graphics, animations, videos, and games dynamically without the
need for a plug-in.
-XHTML vs. HTML - -XHMTL incorporates the strict syntax rules of XML with
the existing set of HTML 4.01 tags to create web documents
-loop="loop" - -audio attribute that allows your audio to play over and over
again without stopping
-autoplay="autoplay" - -Specifies that the video will automatically play
immediately upon loading
-The specified DTD in the <!DOCTYPE> declaration on you HTML page - -
W3C Markup Validation Service used to determine the HTML specification
against which to validate your Web page markup code
, -Selector - -Refers to any element to which designated styles are applied.
-Rule - -is a format instruction that consists of a specified selector and the
properties and values applied to it.
-Declaration - -Consists of a property and its value
-Semicolon - -To define multiple declarations for one selector withing a rule,
you must separate each declaration with a ______________.
-Curly Braces - -Except when declaring inline styles, you must place
properties and their values within _____________.
-Comment - -By placing code in between the /* and */ characters you create
a ___________
-Inheritence - -The you define will flow, or cascade, throughout your
documents, unless another style defined inside of a page specifically
overrides it. This concept is known as ______________.
-Static - -The normal, or default, position of the element within a page.
-Relative - -The element is relative to others on a page, usually because of
the top, bottom, left, and right properties.
-Absolute - -The element appears to float above the document and can be
positioned as needed it is completely removed from the rest of the page
-Fixed - -The element remains in the same position when the page is
-Inherit - -The element inherits its position from the parent element.
-Margin - -In the CSS Box Model, the outer-most box that immediately
encloses the border.
-Content - -In the CSS Box Model. the innermost box
-Property - -Changes the way a selector renders in a browser
-Padding - -In the CSS Box Model, the defined area that immediately
encloses the content
-Font-Family - -Specifies the typeface to be used