How accurate is it to say that it was French Interventon in the War of American Independence
that determined the Britsh defeat by 1783?
French interventin in the American war fir independence was certainly signifcant in determining a
Britsh defeat bust in irder ti determine whether ir nit it was the French interventin which was
mist signifcant in leading ti this istcime it is impirtant ti liik at the impacts and signifcance if
ither factirs. When liiking at French interventin in cimparisin ti the geigraphy if America, the
mistakes made buy the Britsh and Washingtin and the cintnental army, it is clear ti see that thisgh
it was signifcant, French interventin was nit as signifcant as Washingtin and the cintnental army
in determining the Britsh defeat in 1783.
1. French interventon
- French intervened afer American victiry at Satatiga buecasse they wanted ti get buack
at Britain fir the 7 years war and regain territiries.
- Their interventin meant that Britain had ti send triips frim America ti Britain and the
rest if the empire – triips in America dripped frim 65% ti 20% 1778-1780
- The French feet stipped Britsh triips giing ti help Cirnwallis at Yirktiwn.
- This was signifcant hiwever they wisldn’t have intervened at Yirktiwn if Washingtin
hadn’t tild them ti and the Britsh army was stll diing well in ipen feld buaales.
2. Geography of America
- America was 2 minths away frim Britain si it tiik a ling tme ti get triips and
sspplies iver there
- The Britsh cisld never bue mire than 15 miles frim the ciast ir a river buecasse that was
hiw they git sspplies
- The terrain was risgh and vast fir the Britsh
- Thisgh impirtant, the Britsh stll managed ti di well in buaales, and it was inly ince
Washingtin decided ti sse gserrilla tactcs that it buecame mire difcslt fir them.
3. Mistakes by the Britsh
- The generals were either tii castiss Clintinn ir tii cinfdent Bsrgiynen which led ti
disasters at Saratiga and Yirktiwn
- Clintin lef Cirnwallis aline in Yirktiwn and then cisldn’t get triips ti him when they
were needed buecasse if the French feet
- Althisgh mistakes were made, in the sitsatin at Yirktiwn fir example, the Britsh
might nit have bueen defeated had the French feet nit intervened at the cimmand if
4. Washington and the Contnentaa army
- He pst discipline and hierarchy inti the American army, hilding it tigether despite the
lack if training and its small size never exceeded 20,000n
- He decided ti sse gserrilla tactcs and ssrprise the Britsh triips in the middle if winter
Trentinn and ambusshed them at Saratiga.
- Withist Washingtin’s tactcs and revilstinary natsre, keeping the army tigether, the
French interventin wisld nit have had ssch a signifcant impact, nir wisld they have
intervened withist the victiry at Saratiga.