Unit 15 : Investigating Retail Business
Importance of Supply Chain and Stock Control Management to Business Success
Learning Aim C : Examine the importance of the supply chain and stock control management to the
success of retail business
Pages Topic covers
2-5 Explain how the process of distributing goods through different
channels from manufacturer to customer differs in two
businesses. P4
5-8 Investigate the impact digital technology has on the retail and
logistic processes of two contrasting businesses. P5
8-9 Analyse the impact of digital technological developments on
retailing, the supply chain and stock control. M3
10 - 12 Evaluate the effectiveness of the supply chain and stock control
on the success of a specific retail business. D2
12 -14 Evaluate the impact digital technology has had on the processes
of a specific retail business. D3
, P4
Explain the process of how two retailers distribute goods through different channels from
manufacturer to customer.
- You need to discuss how two different retailers distribute their goods.
- They must be completely different and not both food retailers.
Retail Suggestions: Carrefour, Spinneys, LULU and Go Outdoors, GUCCI, Adidas, Sharaf DG,
Samsung, JD, River Island, Tesco, COOP
Answer the following points for P4.
Introduce both of your retailers.
How do the 2 retailers get their products from manufacturer to customer?
They could come from: wholesalers, intermediaries, suppliers, distributors for example – you can use
the chain diagrams we have discussed in lesson.
Apple JD sports
Apple is one of the tech giants on the JD sports is multichannel and specialises in
marketplace. They specialise in technology like trainers and designer clothing. Their
premium smartphone, smart watches, subsectors are clothing, footwear, accessories,
earphones and so on. Apple is multichannel and Gym. JD sports has 400 branches in the
store and has over 30 branches in the UK. UK. They mainly sell premium products.
Apple mainly premium products and they
price their product using price skimming
Transport: According to onlinehome.us iPhone On the other hand, JD sports uses HGV to
are transported to the US Apple headquarter transport their goods. This possibly because
by Boeing 747 and they can transport 150,000 their goods consist of dry goods such as
at once. The reason they use this system could clothing, shoes and accessories. They do not
be efficient and quicker way to transport and require refrigerated lorry or special
as these are goods that are in high demand, requirements because they only specialise in
people expect them to be launched or ready dry goods. However, there international goods
to use as soon as possible. Other possible transports through shipment and this is
reason is ocean shipment takes 30 days because they can carry large quantity and
whereas by air it takes only 3-4 days. Apple cheaper option for JD sports who does not
prefers air ways despite it cost more for generate similar revenue as Apple.
transporting through plane.
Distribution: Apple offer delivery and pick up Similar at JD sports they offer both in store
option to their customers. They have highly collection and home delivery. Online shopping
organised showroom or stores where they facilities. However, their products packaging
display their products. They also offer online does not require strong packaging as much as
shopping method so that customers can buy Apple products, this is because Apple
Apple products online. premium products require safety packaging to
prevent damage of the product.