Abdulalah Al-Jobore
Unit 36 Startnn a mall bu ine
Ta k 4: P5
P5 produce a proposal containing essental informaton for the start-up of a business
Business proposal
A bu ine propo al i a u eful tool that help to nive me an indicaton my bu ine ’ future . It will
help me a a bu ine owner to focu e on the key point of my bu ine , allocate re ource and to
prepare my elf for problem and opportunite that could happen in the future.
The model compri ed of a three main a pect that could work tonether when putnn a bu ine
propo al, the e include:
PESTLE analy i
SWOT analy i
Per onal kill audit
PESTAL analysis
Any bu ine will have many external infuence that need to be con ider , my bu ine will need to
con ider the e external infuence which include PESTLE analy i . It i important for my bu ine to
carry out thi analy i to under tand all the external factor , which may infuence the bu ine in the
future. The PESTAL analy i tand for:
P-Politcal: the e are all the factor that may afect the bu ine which are out of the
bu ine control, however, it i nood for my bu ine to predict the new channe and
determine any acton that we need to take the mo t advantane form the opportunite or
to reduce any threat. Politcal factor included the tax policie , trade tarif etc. That the
novernment may force it on the bu ine , thi are e ental a pect to be con ider when
mananinn my bu ine .
E-economic- the economic factor can afect the natonal or internatonal economy, which
then will afect the bu ine performance . The economy i relate to the main there period
that bu ine may have durinn the year. The pro perity (when there i a ri e in the
employment and income, which drive to demand), rece ion (when there i fall in the
demand, which then will lead to have a lower income and employment) and recovery (which
mean when income, employment and demand tart lowly to ri e).
S-social: the e factor are directly analy i the ocial environment of the market which then
it relate directly to the value and belief of the ociety. The e factor the will analy e thinn
like demonraphic, populaton and culture trend etc.
T-technological- the e factor can afect the bu ine in many diferent way a it relate to
the innovaton in technolony. However, the e factor can afect the operaton of the
indu try and market po itvely or nenatvely.
E-environmental- the e factor refer to the ecolonical and environmental a pect that will
have ome impact of the product and ervice demand for a bu ine and how the bu ine
run it day-to-day operaton.
L-legal: the e factor afect the bu ine in diferent ranne of way that relate to the law. The
bu ine have to follow certain law , which may afect the bu ine environment and there
are ome police that bu ine will keep it for them elve . Thi analy i will con ider the all